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Subject: Re: BriAnna

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Date Posted: 02/10/07 8:13pm
In reply to: James 's message, "Re: BriAnna" on 02/10/07 8:00pm

>Oh. Yeah. Teenage years. Just do the opposite of what
>YOUR parents did when you were a teenager, lol! Just
>kidding. Though that's probably going to be my method.

Oh, Christ. If Audie starts acting like I did when I was a teenager.... *faints*

>Don't do that again, missy. :P

Yessuh. ;)

>1)He's dating Jessica. 2) He's male. 3)He's dating
>Catching on?

I believe I'm beginning to get the gist of things. Is he a really touchy-feely type, a fast-mover, or Is he just... dating your sister? lol

>You could say that. Overprotective sounds a lot better
>than rageful and psychotic. Let's go with your idea!


>Should I be worried?

Be afraid! Be very, very afraid.

>Yeah? :( That's a shame!

If what my mate Davy has anything to say on the matter, it's WORSE there than it is round here.

>Wow! You've lived just about everywhere:)

Nah! My hometown of Sim Valley, Dublin, London and NY. Not many places! I'd love to live in New Zealand though! Or in China, Morocco, or somewhere else exotic!

>Are you good with flying?

Definitely. It was a must for my job. I even flew a lot when I was pregnant with Audie. Her dad used to say that she'd be born with a suitcase in her tiny little hand!

>AHHAHA! Me, writing. That's a good one. :D I'll leave
>that to the professionals. *Elbow, nudge*
>Really though, when we're waiting, we usually play
>poker or throw darts. (I've gotten extremely good at
>darts, too. :D) Sometimes at eachother. :P

>Do you like what you do? For work, writing I mean.

Yeah, I guess so. For me, it isn't a matter of liking it, it's a matter of HAVING to do it so I don't go completely INSANE! And complaining about it all the while to my mates. ;) But really, I do enjoy it, most of the time. My boss is a real piranha, though.

How about you? You enjoy being a detective?


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Re: BriAnnaJames02/10/07 8:25pm

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