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Subject: Readings

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Date Posted: 17:34:59 03/14/05 Mon

Dear Alvin and Denise,

As I told you, I had two readings Friday night. Now my twin soul has come through three readings. During the third reading, the medium told me my twin soul's wife should open up her heart and throat chakras in order to receive communication from him. Well, she was online today. I was rather hesitant to tell her my twin soul came through on two readings. I did not tell her about the very first reading. About a year or so ago, he and another friend went to see a medium. My twin soul did not come through. I showed her evidence of it being my twin soul who came through. She seemed interested. But since I could not see her face, I really don't know how she reacted. Of course, I did not tell her this to make her jealous. That is why I hesitated. But I thought it would only be fair to let her know what the medium said about opening those chakras. Now I feel I am being unfair in another way. She asked me where I had the readings. I told her somewhere online. But I evaded telling her about TSE. Although I love TSE, it would be complicated for the both us to be there. I would not feel free to talk about my twin soul as I do.

Love And Blessed Be,

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Re: ReadingsAlvin03:19:33 03/15/05 Tue

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