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Date Posted: 20:16:51 12/06/04 Mon
Author: Nat
Subject: "Arrested?" She questioned incredulously, and then cleared her throat as she sat up a little straighter. "Oh my god." This was ridiculous - their parents had all gone through this crap years and years ago, but they hadn't had or known anything else. But her brother, and all those other guys, they had the chance to have something better. Shaking her head, she looked to Adam pointedly - if he had known about any of this, he should have just told her. "I'm coming with you guys."
In reply to: Adam 's message, "
I'm sorry
on 19:31:24 12/06/04 Mon

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  • Adam sighed softly, his brow furrowed as he saw the upset on his girlfriends face. "Honey....you don't wanna go there..." He tried to tell her but it was obviously no use so he just went and got their coats, opening up hers to let her slide her arms in. Brendan murmured that he would meet them there before he stepped out. Adams gaze was completely distraught as he looked at her - he was worried about his friend, worried about his girlfriend and worried about his own future.. (NT) -- Adam, 20:24:08 12/06/04 Mon

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