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Date Posted: 23:36:08 01/10/05 Mon
Author: Jake
Subject: He couldn't help but to melt into her arms, clinging to her for her support. He needed her so badly that moment that he could hardly breathe. "I don't know what to do, Aly, I just don't know..." His brow furrowed softly and his voice was choked as he held onto her tightly. "Stay with me tonight...I need you..." He mumbled against her neck as he tried to control his emotions that were just all sorts of out of wack...
In reply to: Jake 's message, "
I'm just a shell of a man
on 22:06:17 01/10/05 Mon

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  • "Of course, of course, love..." She tightened her arms around him, one hand twisted into his thick dark hair. This was her guy, her big, strong, tough, don't-mess-with-me Jacob, and he was so scared and hurting so badly, and she didn't know how to make anything better. Pulling back just slightly and so gently, both hands moved to cup his face as she caught his lips for a firm but sweet kiss, eyes tightly shut for the brief moment. She just wanted to reassure him that she still thought the world of him - part of loving someone was acception them for their flaws and their mistakes and for only what they aspired to be. This was a big deal, but happened so long ago that nothing could be changed now. "Whenever you want me..." (NT) -- Aly, 23:41:38 01/10/05 Mon

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