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Subject: Turkey Day

Mary Lee
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Date Posted: 16:35:49 11/19/01 Mon

Hello to all yes I wish you could all be here too a few more potatoes and slices of turkey will do it, I glad Marty is home although the football game wasn't much at least you had a quarterback that's a sad story. Well I crunched my little toe on Friday night it turned black and blue along with my foot If I broke my toe I guess will never know I vould get my tennis shoes and sandals on and that was all but I made it to work today everyone's nerves on are onedge with all the groceries we are trying to keep up with and the big blitz sale on Friday.Ed and Alan are off this week Crown shut down because of low sales so Ed went to the dentist this morning and tomorrow he has to have a heart cath done again something about the muscles around the heart Dr Tobinansky said it may be nothing but this is the only way he can make sure,Ed is very optimistic he says he feels too good I hope he is right I wasn't allowed to tell anyone or talk about it so hopefully tomorrow night this time we will know.
Congradulations to Coldwater winning in the fog I'm glad we didn't go for that reason and my toe.
I hope Carrie and Chris are having a good visit with David and Diane, I wish Chris was here to help with the cooking but all will get done Ed has been helping me alot another news flash Crown has offered all 25 year employees early retirement with insurance paid to 65 only for Ed they want to pay is retirement for only 30 years they are cheating him of 12 years we have till the 15 of December to decide we think they may layoff people if they don't take it and then you will have nothing so life has been too stressed for me the last l0 days but I know things could always be alot worse, well I better get some work done Ed is playing music at a retirement center in Sidney with his 3 brothers tonight,so you Halls' have a good turkey day that goes for you Lentzs' too and I'll see the rest of you on Thursday.

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