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Subject: Happy Turkey Day

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Date Posted: 09:15:40 11/20/01 Tue

Wanted to get a quick message out to the Hall family to wish them a Happy Thanksgiving. Wish you guys were closer too..the more the merrier. I'm sure Chef Phyllis will prepare a spread for the clan that will be delicious.

MaryLee, I wanted to let you know that Kristy is a definite and I would assume Jeff also but she never really said anything for sure about Jeff in her message to me. She started ER yesterday. She gets Thurs, Fri and Sat off. She has to work Sunday. In the next three weeks then she only gets off 3 days. Her life will be hectic but she was glad she could get the time off for Thanksgiving.

The boys are heading home tonight. They are off Wed to Sunday. The same with Amy. Kristy and Jessica will be arriving Wednesday night. It will be good to have everyone home again. Guess I better restock my frig and cupboards.

MaryLee I plan on cole slaw and maybe the cauliflower and brocolli salad and I'll let the kids decide on the dessert I make(it won't be anything pumpkin) You never came back with a definite time so we will shoot for 12 and if you decide not to eat till 12:30 I'll be there to help.

I am happy to report I have all but about 4 gifts that I have bought that aren't wrapped. I have several to buy yet but I figured with all the nosey children coming home I'd better wrap what I had or they would be snooping. I guess it is time to start working on the annual Christmas letter too.

Thanks for all the birthday cards. It was actually a real fun day. All the people at work had a big party for me at work. It was all decorated and everyone carried in goodies, had birthday cake and we had a roaster full of chili soup and chicken noodle soup to go with all the other stuff. In the evening a guy that I work with had his retirement party so I got to eat out again. Larry I'll brin the Esther Price to Thanksgiving..the last thing I need is the WHOLE box!!!

Well, I better get back to work. Looking forward to the Kenton game Saturday night. They are saying Findlay stadium will probably be a sell out and you should not plan on buying tickets at the stadium that night. I hope are best team shows up...I am confident we can beat them if it does. Hopefully the weather cooperates for us. I think we are going to need to be able to pass on them.

Well, see everyone is a couple days. Halls have a great holiday. I'm sure you will enjoy the little girls and Marty's visit.

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