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Subject: Survived Shopping Day

Mary Lee
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Date Posted: 07:31:42 11/25/01 Sun

Good morning everyone we hope everyone has survived Turkey day and all the shopping, a good time was had here with a beautiful day to boot.Friday was another store we were very busy I went in at 4 o'clock and worked till 3 things went alot smoother than I thought the 2 department manager that were in charge did a great job the gameboy games were the only things that sold out in 15 minutes that was 250 of them then the $5 appliances my feet hurt but I survived got my house all back in order now get my Christmas all ready so that when Carrie and Chris come I can enjoy my time with them. I was sorry to hear about Coldwater I was listening to the game and it was 38-28 and I turned it off and we played bingo with Erica til 11:15 then turned on the news and got the surprising news but they had a good year I would rather have seen Marion lose they went last year but I know it is fun I hope sometime we get the chance again. Well Alan and Natalie are going to pick the girls up after 10:30 mass so I'm putting out the leftovers and what is left goes to the cats because that is all we hav eaten sonce Thursday we went to Alan's for supper on Friday Natalie's mom and dad were out and we celebrated Erica's birthday hope you all have a good week.
I hope Ed starts to perk up because he still doesn't feel himself. Talk to you soon

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