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Subject: From the Psych Ward

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Date Posted: 14:53:14 02/18/02 Mon

Hi everyone.
Well, I am finally back on the board. I think that it's been at least 4 months or so since my last visit. Anyhow, I think it's total BS that everyone is going on all these vacations. I'm sitting here freezing my a** off in this apartment that doesn't heat properly reading all these fantasy stories of warm weather and the sun. It just doesn't seem right...

Just kidding, and glad to hear that some people are getting a break from Ohio/DC weather.

So, stories from L&D. I LOVED the rotation for those who haven't heard. I have actually bumped OB/GYN up to my first choice for residency. It is extremely competitive though, so we'll see. Delivery was fun, although I have grown intolerant of women who whine through labor. It's like, BUCK UP!! Not that I have much room to talk with my zero pregnancies...but anyhow. Also got to be the first assistant in all the surgeries and C-sections which is not usual for a student. And two of the docs are willing to wirte me letters of recomendation, so things worked out pretty well.

Now I am in Psych. Much different to say the least. Today I tlaked to a woman who slit her wrist last night, a woman who hear's voices that are telling her to kill herself, and a man who is a paranoid schizo. And that was all before noon... Definitely not the feild for me.

Anyhow, I've gone on enough. Hope to see most of you at Easter.

Love, Krsity

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