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Date Posted: 11:55:35 02/20/02 Wed

Well, I got scolded by my youngest daughter last night for not leaving a message in such a long time (like they have any room to talk) so here I am. Not much exciting happening in my world. My husband has been gone more than he has been home this last month. He is out traveling the world trying to drum up business. So far it seems to be working. Their January was better than last year and seems to be continuing. With the economic conditions of the area they are hoping their luck can last. Sorry to hear about the additonal layoffs at Crown. I'm sure the Gehret men are still fine but you hate to hear that. Now there have been several other companies in the Celina area close with the possibility of the UPS hub in Celina too. So far so good at Reynolds...but things have really slowed down these past two weeks..so who knows. Joe continues his travels in March, but the middle of March I am joining him out in Las Vegas for a 4-5 day vacation.
The boys are well into their 2nd semester at UT. Things seem to be going fine..getting harder they say. With tuition prices rising they are praying they get a summer job. I told them I might have to send them to Columbus to live with their sisters if they can't find anything around here. The will be beating the pavement the middle of March when they are home for spring break.
Amy is still busy teaching and taking classes toward her gifted certification and her masters. Actually tonight she is taking her admitance test for her masters program. So between that and keeping up her exercise routine she isn't around much. She did enjoy her four day weekend last weekend over presidents day.
Hopefully Kristy doesn't let the crazies get to her. She was definitely pumped about her OB/GYN rotation. She likes to make herself sound like the "tough guy" but I'm sure she is very patient and understanding with those laboring women!!
Jessica is trying to maintain her health in the midst of all the "sicky kids" both at the schools and the daycare.
Mom seems to be doing much better. She has been out "bumming around" more than she has been home, which is great. And even though she would never admit it I think she is enjoying having cable. On a note regarding her birthday, if we were thinking of going together for her birthday she needs a new portable phone and an easy operational alarm clock. Just a suggestion.
Hope to see all of you on Easter. Take care.

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