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Subject: Good to be home

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Date Posted: 08:56:02 02/28/02 Thu

Hi Family...Enjoyed reading up on everyone. Good Luck to Ryan. Jessica stay away from the "sickies" Take plenty of vitamin C. I'm glad Monica was able to secure a job. I thought about her often

The last few weeks have been anything but typical for me. I was very excited to tell Mom and Dad that I was expecting. However, my first ultra sound showed that it was ectopic..in my left fallopian tube. The dr gave me a shot of methotrexate to stop cell growth and trigger a miscarriage. I had another ultra sound on Tuesday which showed some growth and internal bleeding. This was at 6 pm and by 7pm I was in OR. I didn't have to time to think about what was happening. I was just worried that Chris would not make it to the hospital in time. The surgery was a success. I'm recovery well...I think. The pregnancy was removed from the left tube. The dr was able to save my fallopian tube. He also discoverd endometrious on my right side, which was also removed. A very special thanks to Kristy for her knowledge. She did a very good job explaining what was happening to me. It pays to have a doc in the family!! My next appointment is Monday. My award trip to Cancun is on Tuesday. I don't think that I will be going. All the dr's in the OR said I'd be as good as new by then....

Take care, Carrie

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