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Date Posted: 10:17:30 11/05/02 Tue
Author: Bull
Subject: Re: Anne-Maree
In reply to:
's message, "HA! As it seems I had the last word anyways ..... here's a few more!" on 21:43:00 10/16/02 Wed
Jesus woman, pour yerself another tequila and shut the fuck up!!!!
Why in the hell do you insist on repeatedly telling people you don't giva a rats ass, when you do? It amazes me, it really does.
What happened to you Anne-Maree, you used to be the life and soul, loved all the humour, had a chit load of online friends, detested any aggrevation, and now all you seem to wanna do is get pissed and come in here and keep slagging everyone off.
Why oh why do you insist on keep doing it?
Is it because you wanna get peoples backs up?
If it is your making a mistake.
The one's who now can't stand you, simply don't care or just pity you.
The one's who get aggrevated by it are the one's who would still like to call you an online friend.... like me for instance.
You say you don't give a rat's ass.... well, is that's the case, then sod off and don't post online anymore... you're just making a complete fool of yourself.
If you do care, then come and post something more humourous or imformative.... or maybe even an old cut and paste. Then maybe people will start to come in here and post more often, and the official 30s forum might even be ressurected.
I can think of loads who would enjoy posting back in here if the atmosphere improved.
Anyways, like I said, as much as I miss the Anne-maree from a year or two ago, if you decide you don't give a rat's ass, as you say, and do infact disappear, I for one will say good riddance.
I'm sorry to post this, I really am, but I hafta say you have asked for it.
Make yer bed and lie in it Anne-Maree.
Bull <-------- who won't be defending you as a friend anymore.
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Hey Bull... -- Feral, 16:59:04 11/05/02 Tue
Unfortunately, I share your frustration and sadness at watching a slow, very public, self-destruction we were powerless to prevent and to some degree affected by.
When I went through a tough time a few summers ago Sugar appeared very supportive of me; I'd assumed she was sincere when she convinced me to wrongly defy my common sense and fight for something I was prepared to walk away from. Unfortunately, now that I have more facts I believe she did it more to see the public explosion than to be a trusted friend.
I'll not profess to having even slightest idea of what has happened here; all I know is that I repeatedly had the olive branch pulled out of my hand and smacked across the back of my skull when I looked the other way.
I always kept quiet when I've read certain people's posts about negative comments I supposedly made to Sugar or her friends, even when I was away. I always held out hope that the guilty party would step up to say "oops, my bad. I'm sorry". Instead, we heard "I never apologize for anything I do".
Toronto was only a stone's throw away for us and we headed up occasionally. A few times we were planning to meeting Sugar. However, there was always a feeling of something hidden that left us ultimately feeling too uncomfortable to pursue a deeper friendship.
Imagine you and your wife about to visit someone only to find out your host has also invited someone from your past she knows you won't get along with... or that your wife is then uninvited but its still okay for you to come stay with her and that guest. It almost sounds as if a publicist were trying stage a public fight to boost their ratings.
So out of self-preservation, and as a sign of overdue respect for the woman I love, who never stooped to react to any of the insult she was shown, I too had to chose to stop trying to be supportive of someone who has behaved undeserving of our friendship.
I've never told anyone that decision; but I guess I'll announce it now.
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Re: Hey Bill -- Bull, 04:52:49 11/06/02 Wed
Your course of action was admirable and I see why Patty is so in love with you.... (It couldn't possibly be your boyish good looks right? lol)
Suggie awoke one morning and forgot who her friends were, and like most women, refuses to let this go.
Its sad, oh, and Suggie, if your response is something along the lines of "Bull, I don't give a Rat's ass and Fuck you"?
Your wasting your time.
Its not too late for you to put this behind you and try to mend some bridges, the guys will forgive you, the women though, I suspect will take a little longer.... not that you give a rat's ass anyway.
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Hey BB? -- Cake, 08:53:13 11/06/02 Wed
Guys only forgive women more easily because they operate under the delusion that they might have a snowball's chance of getting into their pants someday... LMAO
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Re: Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha -- Bull, 10:30:39 11/06/02 Wed
Not online they dont baby, all the chicks online are ugly
SFL at myself hahahahahahahaha
(((((Except you of course cakers))))))
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Re: Anne-Maree -- Red, 10:33:16 11/06/02 Wed
I must say, I never thought I'd see this day. Good for you, Bull, for finally realizing that Sugar reached rock-bottom a very long time ago, and she just continues to dig even deeper.
Unlike many of you, it only took one time for her to tell me to "Fuck Off" and that's exactly what I did. And I haven't regretted never speaking to her again, because I've been able to watch her decline from a distance, without being personally involved and affected like so many of you have. My heart goes out to those of you who held onto that sparkle of hope and faith that somehow she'd transform back into the Sugar that you all knew and loved.
I used to get a laugh out of her drunken, rambling posts...but I don't really find it humorous, nor even slightly entertaining, anymore. It's just downright pathetic. You said "the ones who can't stand you anymore simply don't care or pity you". Put me in the "don't care" category.
I posted this not out of concern for what she had to say, but out of support for you because I know how difficult it must have been for you to make that post. It's not an easy task, giving up on people you thought were your friends, but there comes a time when you just have to face the facts and realize that sometimes you have no other choice.
Take care ((((Pete)))).
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Re: Anne-Maree -- Polly, 06:13:02 11/07/02 Thu
All I can say is you really screwed up for Bull to turn his back on you. How sad.
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Re: That is true Pols -- Bull, 08:40:42 11/07/02 Thu
She wont give a rat's ass anyway, she may as well go and
*dance like nobody's watching*
Because its doubtful anybody will be now.
Thanks for your kind words, and to be honest although it wasn't particularly pleasurable typing it, nonetheless it wasn't a difficult decision.
I think I will try and remember the Suggie who sang the Mambo69 song that had everyone laughing their heads off.
Wonder where she went to
Pete out
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