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Date Posted: 21:43:00 10/16/02 Wed
Author: Sugar
Subject: HA! As it seems I had the last word anyways ..... here's a few more!

... It's nice to see that it's not only me that's gotten an *off*line life!! HERE'S TO YA!!

Boy, the copy and pastes I read @ the L & L Lounge are soooooooooooooooooooooo old ... BUT that doesn't stop some from posting them ... how about getting a real life personality (without the duplicity?!?!!?! .. DARE YOU THINK IT?) Geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, wouldn't THAT be nice!!

signing off now CUZ I have something BETTER I DO!!

(not telling, though) ;)


OH and Crazy Kanuck, don't ya think it's about time you trashed this place? Ownership might just dictate that there ain't nobody here! BUT, then again .... SOME of you feel sooooooooooooooooooooooooo complete with the likes of having a place to call your own (thank God for the internet eh!!) SHIT ... have I just been bitchy yet AGAIN?

*s* Fuck You!! (and so not to insult EVERYONE ... fuck me AND the next person!!)

hahahahahahaha Ban Me Now? HA! Like I'd give a rats ass!!

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[> Oh RATS! ((((((((((((((((((((((( EVERYONE )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) -- Me Again, 21:47:30 10/16/02 Wed

.... Please allow me to "SMOOCH" you to death (like THAT'S real) ... AND please allow me to HUG the ever lovin stuffin outta ya too!! THAT *is* real, is it not????

OMG .........................

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[> [> What do YOU think a Forum *should* be Ms. Brat? -- Ms. Brat, 22:22:40 10/16/02 Wed

Well, first off .. a place that each and EVERY person should be able to express their thoughts! A place that those same thoughts are open to each and EVERYones ridicule (whether you agree or not) BUT in agreeing, that does NOT mean kiss assing (which is what I read time and time again) .. why rock the boat when *smoochies* and *hugs* are given out so readily?

YES, I *am* an opinionated witch .... AND I stick by hat I say .................. there ARE kiss asses that I simply DO NOT like ..

Happy Halloween Kids!

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[> [> [> Drinkin' again, eh sugar? -- Gimme a freakin' break., 23:41:53 10/16/02 Wed

so typical

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[> Hrmmmmmm -- Jo, 18:15:44 10/18/02 Fri

I seem to recall an email from you saying you'd changed the password to this place... so it's all up to you!!

Have fun!

ps. fuck you too!

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[> I just wanted to say.... -- Caro, 19:45:12 10/18/02 Fri


Good gawd, how I wish I'd get f...

oops, nevermind...

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[> How COMPLETELY sad -- kadee, 10:27:51 10/19/02 Sat

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[> [> I ain't sad... I'm HAPPY and dancing -- Caro, 11:32:30 10/19/02 Sat

but I do have the flu... want it?


Hey (((((( Kadee ))))))

wanna smoochhhh?


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[> [> [> thanks sweetie, but you keep it. -- kadee, 21:30:56 10/21/02 Mon

Hope you feel better soon ((((((((((Caro)))))))))))

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[> Hey Sugar.... Do you ever make it to the cottage up here? Do you even still have a cottage up here? -- Kaan, 19:23:29 10/21/02 Mon

Not that I really care but just to add my 15 cents worth. What I have to say is certainly worth more then just 2 cents.

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[> Hey Sugar.... Do you ever make it to the cottage up here? Do you even still have a cottage up here? -- Kaan, 19:24:25 10/21/02 Mon

Not that I really care but just to add my 15 cents worth. What I have to say is certainly worth more then just 2 cents.

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[> [> Speaking of cottage... -- Caro, 22:41:25 10/21/02 Mon

who cut the cheese?

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[> [> [> I feel so privileged -- LaneyLounge, 00:39:14 10/22/02 Tue

that with your oh so limited online life that you include our Lounge in your travels. Speaking for myself, I honestly can't see what your fascination is with us, but I'm flattered none the less.

And as my good friend (((((((((Josie))))))))) so eloquently put it.....
Fuck you too, Anne!

Hey, I never said I had class, just that Jo and Liv and the rest of the Loungers do.

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[> Re: Anne-Maree -- Bull, 10:17:30 11/05/02 Tue

Jesus woman, pour yerself another tequila and shut the fuck up!!!!

Why in the hell do you insist on repeatedly telling people you don't giva a rats ass, when you do? It amazes me, it really does.

What happened to you Anne-Maree, you used to be the life and soul, loved all the humour, had a chit load of online friends, detested any aggrevation, and now all you seem to wanna do is get pissed and come in here and keep slagging everyone off.

Why oh why do you insist on keep doing it?

Is it because you wanna get peoples backs up?
If it is your making a mistake.
The one's who now can't stand you, simply don't care or just pity you.
The one's who get aggrevated by it are the one's who would still like to call you an online friend.... like me for instance.

You say you don't give a rat's ass.... well, is that's the case, then sod off and don't post online anymore... you're just making a complete fool of yourself.

If you do care, then come and post something more humourous or imformative.... or maybe even an old cut and paste. Then maybe people will start to come in here and post more often, and the official 30s forum might even be ressurected.
I can think of loads who would enjoy posting back in here if the atmosphere improved.

Anyways, like I said, as much as I miss the Anne-maree from a year or two ago, if you decide you don't give a rat's ass, as you say, and do infact disappear, I for one will say good riddance.

I'm sorry to post this, I really am, but I hafta say you have asked for it.

Make yer bed and lie in it Anne-Maree.

Bull <-------- who won't be defending you as a friend anymore.


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[> [> Hey Bull... -- Feral, 16:59:04 11/05/02 Tue

Unfortunately, I share your frustration and sadness at watching a slow, very public, self-destruction we were powerless to prevent and to some degree affected by.

When I went through a tough time a few summers ago Sugar appeared very supportive of me; I'd assumed she was sincere when she convinced me to wrongly defy my common sense and fight for something I was prepared to walk away from. Unfortunately, now that I have more facts I believe she did it more to see the public explosion than to be a trusted friend.

I'll not profess to having even slightest idea of what has happened here; all I know is that I repeatedly had the olive branch pulled out of my hand and smacked across the back of my skull when I looked the other way.

I always kept quiet when I've read certain people's posts about negative comments I supposedly made to Sugar or her friends, even when I was away. I always held out hope that the guilty party would step up to say "oops, my bad. I'm sorry". Instead, we heard "I never apologize for anything I do".

Toronto was only a stone's throw away for us and we headed up occasionally. A few times we were planning to meeting Sugar. However, there was always a feeling of something hidden that left us ultimately feeling too uncomfortable to pursue a deeper friendship.

Imagine you and your wife about to visit someone only to find out your host has also invited someone from your past she knows you won't get along with... or that your wife is then uninvited but its still okay for you to come stay with her and that guest. It almost sounds as if a publicist were trying stage a public fight to boost their ratings.

So out of self-preservation, and as a sign of overdue respect for the woman I love, who never stooped to react to any of the insult she was shown, I too had to chose to stop trying to be supportive of someone who has behaved undeserving of our friendship.

I've never told anyone that decision; but I guess I'll announce it now.

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[> [> [> Re: Hey Bill -- Bull, 04:52:49 11/06/02 Wed

Your course of action was admirable and I see why Patty is so in love with you.... (It couldn't possibly be your boyish good looks right? lol)

Suggie awoke one morning and forgot who her friends were, and like most women, refuses to let this go.

Its sad, oh, and Suggie, if your response is something along the lines of "Bull, I don't give a Rat's ass and Fuck you"?

Your wasting your time.

Its not too late for you to put this behind you and try to mend some bridges, the guys will forgive you, the women though, I suspect will take a little longer.... not that you give a rat's ass anyway.

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[> [> [> [> Hey BB? -- Cake, 08:53:13 11/06/02 Wed

Guys only forgive women more easily because they operate under the delusion that they might have a snowball's chance of getting into their pants someday... LMAO


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[> [> [> [> [> Re: Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha -- Bull, 10:30:39 11/06/02 Wed

Not online they dont baby, all the chicks online are ugly

SFL at myself hahahahahahahaha

(((((Except you of course cakers))))))

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[> [> Re: Anne-Maree -- Red, 10:33:16 11/06/02 Wed

I must say, I never thought I'd see this day. Good for you, Bull, for finally realizing that Sugar reached rock-bottom a very long time ago, and she just continues to dig even deeper.

Unlike many of you, it only took one time for her to tell me to "Fuck Off" and that's exactly what I did. And I haven't regretted never speaking to her again, because I've been able to watch her decline from a distance, without being personally involved and affected like so many of you have. My heart goes out to those of you who held onto that sparkle of hope and faith that somehow she'd transform back into the Sugar that you all knew and loved.

I used to get a laugh out of her drunken, rambling posts...but I don't really find it humorous, nor even slightly entertaining, anymore. It's just downright pathetic. You said "the ones who can't stand you anymore simply don't care or pity you". Put me in the "don't care" category.

I posted this not out of concern for what she had to say, but out of support for you because I know how difficult it must have been for you to make that post. It's not an easy task, giving up on people you thought were your friends, but there comes a time when you just have to face the facts and realize that sometimes you have no other choice.

Take care ((((Pete)))).

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[> [> [> Re: Anne-Maree -- Polly, 06:13:02 11/07/02 Thu

All I can say is you really screwed up for Bull to turn his back on you. How sad.

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[> [> [> Re: That is true Pols -- Bull, 08:40:42 11/07/02 Thu

She wont give a rat's ass anyway, she may as well go and

*dance like nobody's watching*

Because its doubtful anybody will be now.


Thanks for your kind words, and to be honest although it wasn't particularly pleasurable typing it, nonetheless it wasn't a difficult decision.

I think I will try and remember the Suggie who sang the Mambo69 song that had everyone laughing their heads off.

Wonder where she went to

Pete out

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[> Hmmmmm....... -- pekat, 01:35:14 11/15/02 Fri

For some strange reason, I feel compelled to respond to this post. Lord knows it's been a long time since I've been here, but this situation was brought to my attention and it's something I'd like to add to.

There's a lot here to comment on, so bear with me. *g*

First of all, Caro? Your attempt at lightening the mood didn't go unnoticed. Aljo and Jo are going to have to respectfully hand over the groaner award because that 'speaking of cottage....' joke was not only funny but the timing, my sweet, couldn't've been better. *ggg* You absolutely rock (((Caro))). *g*

Bill? It seems that we all have a 'sugar story' hmm?
And it seems that they're all doosies. Mine? I buried it a long time ago, and that's where it'll stay. (lol I can hear those of you who know, giggling at me already. ok ok...so I may have had a teensy little bout with it. LOL)I guess some people just have that innate ability to handle a sword, and annmarie proved herself quite proficient at cutting where it hurts the most but at the same time keeping a smile of innocence on her face. ((Bill))

Cake? hehehehe......thou dost speaketh the truth, hmm? LOL
((cake))<--wow, been a long time, hmm? *g*

Red? While I was busy making googoo eyes at dreamy, you must've been rootin' around in my brain. You stole the words right out of my head and I agree with every single word you said. Screw what she thinks of smooches ...c'mere and lay one on me. ((lynnie))

Laney? I suppose the reason why sugar is so obsessed with the lounge is because there's people like you in there. You're another one who goes trick or treating in my brain. My God woman! This may not be true, but just from your posts, I can't help thinking how exactly like me you are! Friggin scary! But we can analyze that over margaritas and botox injections at a later date. ((laners)) *giggle*

And Pete? sigh.......
It's not easy to slam doors shut. Especially when you thought there were open arms on the other side. ((pete))

But at any rate kids, I think sugar taught us all a valuable lesson and for that we should be grateful:

Be careful who you open your heart to.

Despite what sugar thinks, the hugs are real and so are the smooches. Relationships, whether they're online or in 'real life' are no different. They both require patience,understanding and love. It's all about balance. Not balancing online and "real life", but rather, balancing and being responsible for your own mental health.

Goodnight dear hearts, sleep well.

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[> [> ermmmmmmmm Pekat? -- Caro, 21:33:32 11/18/02 Mon

Geeeeeeeeeezus woman!

I wasn't trying to lighten up the mood, I was merely being myself, and for whatever this is worth, I still absolutely care for Anne-Maree and always will, even though I have/she has told each other off quite a few times, but that's the extent of our "spats" per say.

And what I'm grateful for? That I still have friends whether or not they agree with my decision to still be in contact with Sugar.

I've learned, not only from being online, that people change, people get angry, people say nasty things, do nasty things, people laugh, cry, "scream" at each other, but out of all that, I know that *I* can always count on Anne-Maree along with tons of others online.

I've said before that without Dreamy around one day, I don't think I would have had the "ear" I needed a while back. I've said that about Anne-Maree. You know as well as I do that you've been there many o' times for me, Pekat and for that? I am forever grateful :-)

I know that for me, personaly, hugs, smoochies, etc. are true, and for Gawds' Sake, if someone doesn't agree, I respect their decision. Also, I know that when I get a message from either Anne-Maree, Tom, yourself, Aljo, Cake, Jo, etc. telling me that they are thinking about me, how can I ever be wrong in knowing in my Heart of Heart that someone, somewhere, cares about me :-)

Lots of people came and went in Acro, the message boards. Some I miss terribly, some I couldn't care less about in all honesty and I don't think about them at all. Same thing applies offline, doesn't it?

I totally agree with some closing the door on Anne-Maree if their experience with her were all that bad. For myself, so far, even though it's not always been rosey, I care deeply for her and I don't think that I'll ever be able to forget about her as she was, as she is now, as she will be for me. Same thing applies for lots of others. For example, things might not have worked out between myself and 2guddy, but I care for him deeply also. He was and always will be a friend, a confident more so then others in which I simply get laughter or anger from (I won't mention names here).

There are also some that have angered me so much that even though I'll be civil to them, I will never ever open my Heart to those people (again, no names need to be mentionned here), and in saying that, I do completely understand your choices and other's choices in moving on because I have done the same to a few people even though I was told "Don't you think that maybe so-and-so might have changed?". In my Heart of Heart, I make my own decisions in Life and for some reasons unknown to myself at this time, I just can't forgive some moves people have done to hurt me or close ones and I don't see the day where I will fully excuse their actions. Make sense? ;)

Believe me when I say this, my friend, I Love You with all of my Heart and always will because I know, deep down, that whatever road I will take, whatever choices I will make, you might not agree with those, but you'll always care for me, and I realize that fully. That's what makes friends be friends.


Sincerely, a friend forever,

PS ((((((((((((((((((((((( Pekatttttttttttttttttt ))))))))))))))))) major smoooooooochies
PPS Still looking for who cut the cottage cheese, have you found out yet? ;-) :P

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[> [> [> Re: Oi Caro -- Bull, 05:05:27 11/21/02 Thu

Just wanted to say you are one amazing woman.

For what its worth, you know I stuck at AM's side when most others didnt.

I haven't taken any sides on this... if they exist that is, my post was for one reason.

I believe she has become a nasty and bitter.

Don't ask me why, I have no idea.... I simply got sick to death of her coming out and deliberately berating and insulting people in a totally UNPROVOKED manner.

The Anne-Maree I used to know would never have done that and would certainly have berated any person that did.

She used to be someone I used to laugh with and I honestly ALWAYS found her online company fantastic.

I now find her just nasty... thats all.


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[> [> [> [> Hey, Bull? -- Caro, 14:56:02 11/24/02 Sun

Thanks, but I don't think the compliment was necessary, even though it's very much appreciated.

I realize you've stuck by lots of people, including Sugar, more then once, more then a dozen million times and it shocked me as much as others to read that you'd had enough of Sugar's antics.

You've even forgiven little ol' me for blowing up publically at you a few times. Lord knows I'm fired up on some things, sometimes.. well, erm... lots of times... LOL
I'm just glad we are passed that and that we can just be "friends across the internet pond"

PS I'd like to grab you by the Bull horns someday... LMAO!

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[> Just to keep the longest slowest post string alive: Happy Thanksgiving all -- feral, 21:18:47 11/27/02 Wed

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[> [> Sing it with me now... -- Shari Lewis, 22:18:02 11/30/02 Sat

This is the thread that doesn't end
Yes it goes on and on my friend
One person - started it, not knowing where she was
And now it'll keep on going as a blur, just because



Just kidding folks

signed : Caro
xoxoxo to all and to all a good night :-)
Happy Thanksgiving to you Feral !

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[> The 1 yr. anniversary of "Just to keep the longest slowest post string alive" -- bill and patty, 23:15:06 11/26/03 Wed

Happy Thanksgiving all!!!

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[> [> Happy New Year!!!!!!!! -- Caro, 22:01:26 12/31/03 Wed

it's good to be Alive!!!!

oh and to keep this thread alive too ;)

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[> [> [> ((((Caro)))) A Belated Happy Easter! -- bill & patty, 13:23:59 04/28/04 Wed

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[> [> [> ((((Happy Mother's Day Caro!!!)))) -- bill, 08:21:17 05/10/04 Mon

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[> [> [> ((((Caro))))) Happy American Memorial Day -- bill, 14:21:35 05/28/04 Fri

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[> [> LMFAO Happy Anniversary again, before I forget it... I love this long and old thread :-)) -- Caro, 15:47:27 10/30/04 Sat

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[> Wow, coming up on our 3rd anniversary already?! -- Bill, 12:29:46 09/20/05 Tue

Whereever does the time go?!

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