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Date Posted: 12:35:55 10/07/04 Thu
Author: UBFree
Subject: Nationalism
In reply to: Jim St. L. 's message, "Bush Vs. Kerry" on 19:48:19 10/06/04 Wed

I think that Europeans/Germans and Americans have different take on Nationalism.

German Nationalism almost destroyed Germany and Europe. American nationalims saved America and Europe. Please remember that America is a multi-ethnic country. We cannot find a common bond or identity in race but only in our ideals. This is a distinct difference between German and American nationalism. In other words American nationalism is not based on ethnic pride but consists of love of liberty, freedom, morality. And the belief that we as a nation will live by and fight for these ideals. Also, part of this is the beleif that America is a special place that has allowed these ideas to flourish.

Without a healthy dose of American nationalism, America would balkanize into various squabbling ethnic groups.

>Here are some of the key differences between Bush and
>Bush Kerry
>Pro-life Pro-abortion
>Pro-Family for Const. amendment Pro same-sex
>Against Embryonic Stem cell research Pro embryonic
>stem cell
>For 6 nation negotiation with North For bilateral
>For permanent tax reductions For tax increases
>For faith based organizations Pro ACLU
>For Social Security Reform N/A
>For securing freedom for Iraq & Afg. Ready to retreat
>if it gets hard
>I think Bush vision for the US and their role in the
>world is much better than the-ready-to-waffle plan of
>John Kerry. For Christians, I don't think the choice
>of candidates has ever been easier for George W. Bush.
>If you don't agree with me I suggest you get the book,
>"The Faith of George W. Bush" by acclaimed author
>Stephen Mansfield.

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