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Date Posted: 03:23:51 08/21/04 Sat
Author: Mike K.
Subject: Me three
In reply to: Tony Lang 's message, "My Self" on 07:12:15 08/10/04 Tue

So let's just say something about me.

I'm seemingly the junior on the boards.
By the time I got involved in UBF, I wasn't 20 yet. They caught me right after my time in the military: I had nearly no friends, not much support, and my studies were down in the gutter: I failed every exam I entered.

UBF was generally a good time for me (despite some rare events of severe spiritual abuse) - maybe because I'm the kind of person you just can't subdue. You can control me a bit, manipulate me, but when I find out what's going on behind the scenes - beware!
Call me someone who likes to see trouble. I'm not that person, but give me some reason to dig a bit, and I'll make a hole until I think everything fits in. And that usually is big.

My Christian life didn't start in UBF but in the "Local Church" (of Witness Lee). I used their teachings as a measuring stick, and ultimately, UBF broke on that stick.
Well, later I came to find out that it's just another authoritarian group, but much more hidden, their teachings are mostly quite sound (though they get aberration when you dig beyond the surface too much).
Another example of how I am: just because I owe some debt or even my getting-to-know-Jesus to some group, when the Truth of the Gospel is compromized, I won't make that compromise.
I never studied theology, though I attended a few classes in the LC "training" for a short period (they got me interested, but it took me years to figure out the errors in their teaching!) - most of my bible literacy is "private reading", and mostly: experience in my own life.
It's helpful to have methodical theology, but when you get into ANY group which preaches something from the podium which you cannot check against your real life, then: caution.
Life is somehow the mentor in all which the Bible teaches. If life says different from what someone preaches, then usually it means the teaching is aberrant.

Ah well.
It took me less than 3 years to figure out what's going on in UBF, it took me nearly 13 years to figure out what's going on in the LC - and I still doubt I've learned the lesson fully.
The more subtle the abuse or the twistings of scripture, the worse they usually are.

Back to topic: I'm 27 right now, married, no children, (thanks to 3 wasted years in UBF and 1 wasted year in military service) still student.
CS major, econ minor, with a discourse in law and psychology.

Call me computer nerd, but later when I can get me a job, I pray that it'll be one where I never have to see a computer. I can't work with these things like 10 hours a day.


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