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Date Posted: 14:04:10 09/05/04 Sun
Author: ts
Subject: Re: Public opinion
In reply to: Chris 's message, "Public opinion" on 08:37:36 09/05/04 Sun

Generally Arabs , hate Israel, and america due to its support for it . I know of many big business people in Dubai and the gulf who contribute a lot of money to charities in the name of zakat, and most of this money get syphoned out into terror group financing and for even financing suicide bombers. Saddam Hussian used to pay usd20000 to each palastenian suicide bombers family.
I think the major factor that converted many normal arabs/moslims to be potential terrorists( al qaida brand) or atleast indirect financiers is the Russian invasion of Afganistan. Subsequently America fanned the fire by clandestine ways to wage a proxy war against Soviet union, by encouraging religious fanatics in the afgan pak belt.
That was the time the people like osama bin ladenleft their rish oil and construction business and decided to go for jihad as a way to please god( Didnt we all think, by leaving our normal churches, and joining ubf, we were pleasing God? )This is the genesis of Arab mercenaries .
What did America do when indians were getting killed in kashmir, and Russians in chechnia by such fanatic moslims? As long as it doesnt hit their bums on 911 they dont care, they didnt care.They encouraged pakistan and afganistan to prevent the soviet influence by using islam and jihad as a weapon.
The turning point wa s the soviet withdrawal which made the frankenstine monsters jobless.
The spoiled minds needed more reasons to support islam and be aggressive. It turned against its creator, USA, and alqaida became americas enemy too.
As far as public opinion is concerned, it is obvious that Arabs and moslims hate kafirs( non moslims), and find it a normal thing if a non moslim is killed.
I have seen moslim office workers circulating emails with attachments of throat cuttings as if some objects of amusement.
Though there is a minority which is careless about religion, I would rate most palastenians, and arabs from the gulf states as fanatics and non tolerant towards other religions. They allow other religious people to coexist just because they lack technology and they need slaves to do menial jobs which they donty want to.
BAsically arab population hate non moslims.Some even consider, if a non moslim person is killed , it will get them paradise, if they get killed in that process.
Saudi govt, is afraid of an invasion by USA and is doing cosmetic acts against terrorism, just like pakistan is doing a high salaried job of supporting war against terrorism during day to please america,and financing terrorism a s night job.
One thing I have observed about moslims in general and Arabs in particular is , they are hypocrats and double minded people, they say something and always act to favor islam, weather it is chechnya, kashmir, or any other place.
Never trust them. It doesnot mean all are like that, but unfortunately most are brainwashed by mullas to embrace a barbarian, exclusive form of islam, that considers non believers as dogs to be killed.

>Tony, I am fully convinced that the Saudi Government
>tries to condemn and embank terrorism. It's in their
>own interest. But my question is not about the
>government, but about the public, the masses, the the
>rank and file Arabian people. How do they think of the
>recent "usual" terrorism (bombs in Isrealian busses,
>in Russian planes and metro) and the new level of
>terrorism that could be seen in Beslan?

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  • Re: Public opinion -- Tony Lang, 07:04:47 09/08/04 Wed

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