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Date Posted: 12:14:08 09/12/04 Sun
Author: quote
Subject: Re: Lets pray for the school kids under siege in Russia
In reply to: Truth seeker 's message, "Lets pray for the school kids under siege in Russia" on 08:19:44 09/02/04 Thu

Destroy Saudi Arabia, Iran’
Press Trust of India
London, September 12
Nobel Prize winning author Sir Vidia Naipaul has said countries like Saudi Arabia and Iran, which foment religious war, must be destroyed.

The 72-year-old India-born author, in an interview published in The Observer on Sunday, however had a word of advice for people: "hate oppression, but fear the oppressed." Naipaul said the thing he saw in the current terrorism was the exulting in other people's death.

"We are told the people who killed the children in Russia were smiling. The liberal voices were ready to explain the reasons for their actions. But this has no good side. It is as bad as it appears," he said.

Asked about a proper response of the West, Naipaul said "well, clearly Iraq is not the place to have gone. But religious war is so threatening to the rest of us that it cannot be avoided. "It will have to be fought... There are certain countries which foment it, and they probably should be destroyed, actually."

Question: Saudi Arabia?

Naipaul: "I would like to think so, yes."

Question: Iran?

Naipaul: "I think Iran has to be dealt with, too."

Naipaul believes that the world is yet to confront the implications of the rise of Islamic states.

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