Date Posted:17:07:11 09/20/05 Tue Author:Lester Price Subject: rodeo days In reply to:
Laurel Henry
's message, "Hello to all who read this!" on 14:30:02 09/20/05 Tue
hi ive never done this kind of writing before but i would like to just say one thing. I do agree with Laurel 100% except for one thing and that is the fairness. About the click, my son had no problem meeting people (I guess i did because Im handicapped and wasn't able to get around as much as i would have liked to), we didn't have any problems with the "rich" or "poor", had no problem with the sportsmanship (how true you were Laurel about The little girl who went home with out voice from cheering EVERYONE on), My son rode his heart out on the bulls, especially at the finals last year. There were alot of people wondering why he was scored so low but never any answers. We as parents went to the bullriding director as we were told to do and he too said the Ryan had been rob not only at the finals but quite a few times throughout the year. He also said he was sorry but there was nothing he could do. I have been in the rodeo picture many years intil I broke my back (bullriding) and I know that if this unfairness was also seen by the director, something could have been done. There were even directors of other events coming up to me and telling me they too could not believe their eyes. It is moments like this that ruin an association for the young and old. You know, I can deal with the unfairness, I am the adult, but when the bull riding director comes up to my son and tries to console him because he too felt he had treated unfair, and get down in his face and tell my son Ryan, we all know you won, but this is a good lesson learned in life, life is not always fair,thats what is not right. There were many people in the association and even those not in the association came up to me and said how unfair it was, and I need not mention any names, you all know who you are. And the truth be known this maybe an isolated incident. I will honestly admit shamefully, I didn't stick around for the whole rodeo, them bleacher ain't the best thing for a crippled mans scrawny butt to be sittin on for a long periodtime. If I have hurt anyones feelings at the finals or any other time I would like to apologize. I have no hard feelings, the page has been turned, Thanks for your time we enjoyed ours rodeo years with the FJRA.