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Date Posted: 09:54:53 09/23/05 Fri
Author: Michelle Esposito
Subject: James B/Fairness


Please list the event, the day and the rider that you thought was unfairly judged. I was there this weekend but I cannot see every run. I know that Shelby Panzak lost her hat in the alley and recieved a 5 sec penalty. I have for 4 yrs tried to have them access a fine over that instead of a no time or a 5 sec but they will not pass it. I also have found out that Haley Cochran recieved a no time due to the fact it took her more than 45 sec or whatever to get into the arena. Which I totally disagree with as well. But...BOTH of these rules are in the rule book. I personally wish that neither one were rules but they are and we have to go by them. If you saw anything else other than these 2 cases please let me know. I will personally speak with the Pres. Mr Paul Grimaldi and I am sure he will handle them. As far as the chit chat.........Mistakes can be made. Mistakes are made everyday some where. I have no problem with the fact that all our Officers & Directors are human as well as our Judges. They are not perfect and can make a mistake but I am highly offened at you all emails in that you are implying it is all done on purpose. That is all depends on who you are and I can tell you there is no way that can be true. It takes a lot of work to put on a Rodeo hours of hot sweat and sometimes tears to get the whole show done. These people are not getting paid they do it for OUR kids ALL of them. If you think you can find a better place to go and run your horse then maybe you should. I can tell you from experience theres no better place than FJRA. You will not find a nicer bunch of kids anywhere. They are respectful to adults, they cheer for each other, the friendships made there will last a lifetime. You have to excuse me if you think I am just a little upset with you. My daughter has been in FJRA for 4 yrs and I would not trade one day of it. SInce the 1st day we joined we have loved the whole process of FJRA. This is her last yr and we will be very sad to go. Our hope is that it will be thriving for all the other kids out there to have great place to go and compete among friends. Also, if you have an opinion on this then sign your name don't hide behind an email screen name to point your finger. You may not like the way we run things, there are things I don't like either. You might not like the people running the show but you have to admit they are working very hard for OUR kids and I can promise you they are all the most honest folks you will meet. I have a huge amount or respect for those that give up there time effort and energy for OUR kids and instead of cutting them down communicate with them face to face in an adult manner and you will be suprised at how far you will get.

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