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Date Posted: Tuesday, April 04, 08:34:28am
Author: The Stud
Subject: Re: Ladies in CREW/ CEO
In reply to: Shadow 's message, "Re: Ladies in CREW/ CEO" on Tuesday, April 04, 12:07:50am

You have to look at it this way.....

1. Natasha has been wrestling a year or so longer than Eva, which could give her ring pshycology.... NO.

2. Natasha is better looking than Eva...... ahm NO again.

3. Natasha is a better wrestler......... NO.. hahaha.

You see, Natasha use to be one of the Meanest, Nastiest, Women wrestlers on the East Coast.... she would do anything to win, even if it meant Cheating. (oh no... not cheating!)

What she has failed to mention, is that I... the Saratoga Stud... could be the key factor to why she won that match, you see. I formally managed Natasha a few years back before she went all "goodie goodie gumdrops" and forgot what it was like to Win, and forgot what it was like to be a champion...... Since then, I've been running the roads with Eva Destruction, and Natasha knew that if she had the C.E.O. ban me, that Eva would be too tied up worried about those "Red Drag Queens" (as Vinnie Vain would Say...... GREAT LINE by the way) and not be focused on the match, thus giving her the advantage to lie, cheat, and crawl her way to Victory.

You see Natasha, you might have cheated all you wanted to at King of the Cage...... which you won... and I guess you are the "Queen of the Cage", but I prefer to call you Queen Kong.

So now you have a team of queens, Queen Kong... and "The Red Drag Queens" (marks out for VV) but come the re-match, and come time for the CREW Ladies Title, there will only be one person left standing in the ring... and that is The Princess of Destruction.... your NEW CREW Ladies Champ.

Hey CEO, why don't you ban those pseudo-tag-chumpions the Red Dragons from ringside one time. Oh, I forgot... you are a goodie goodie too........ That's ok.... because when you finish wrestling that terd out of big girl panties, you will soon see that not only I... but you too have flushed better things than Natasha the Russian Booty.

>That ain't funny. In real life they could kick your
>lil ass 7 ways to next sunday

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