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Date Posted: 03:03:40 06/23/04 Wed
In reply to:
Christina Kim
's message, "ESL teaching positions in Korea" on 23:21:10 11/24/02 Sun
>dear christina,iam from ghana in west africa and will like a teacher job in korea.i have just completed the teacher training college and will get my certificate by the middle of july.i will like to .know if i could be considered for september 2004 job to teach english writing and oral english.i will also be able to introduce some friends to you who will be interested in teaching as email adress is to hear from you soon.
>Korea, please feel free to mail or call me anytime. My
>e-mail address is call 82-2-562-0127.
>Thank you.
>Here is the offer: (negotiable)
>SALARY: 1.9~2.0mil won a month equal to $1550~$1600
>USD / $2300~$2400 CAD or more depending on experience.
>AIRFARE: Fully paid. (round airfare)
>INSURANCE: 50% medical insurance.
>SEVERANCE PAY: Completion of one-year contract.
>HOUSING: Single or shared housing with other teacher
>LOCATION: All across Korea.
>HOURS: 120 hours a month. Monday through Friday (Some
>schools offer Saturday classes.)
>VISA: Full paid sponsorship
>VACATION: 10 days paid. (one week in the summer and
>one in the winter) including 14 Korean National
>JOB DESCRIPTION: Teaching conversational English
>full-time to children, elementary school to high
>school at an English language institute. All
>institutes belong to one school and owner. One year
>contracts are being offered.
>NUMBER OF POSITIONS: 20~25 instructors will be hired.
>(every month)
>QUALIFICATIONS: No formal teaching experience
>Tel: 82-2-562-0127 in the US 011-82-2-562-0127
>Fax : 82-2-562-0183 in the US 011-82-2-562-0183
>HOW TO APPLY: First, contact me via email at further
>inquiries, instructions, and opportunities. Once
>contact is made, the candidate must send the following
>documents by express mail to Seoul, Korea to INTOKOREA
>recruiting company.
>1) Copy of passport showing picture of candidate or
>recent photo. (via e-mail)
>2) Full complete resume. (via e-mail)
>3) Any supporting documents such as references,
>certificates, and licenses.
>4) Original Bachelor¡¯s degree or notarized degree by
>Korean Consulate
>5) Official Transcript
>Please mail all documents to:
>Attn: Christina Kim
>Suite no. 607, Union Center bldg,
>837-11, Yeoksamdong, Kangnam-gu,
>Seoul, 135-080, Korea
>Tel) 82-2-562-0127
>Fax) 82-2-562-0183
>PS. Please write my number on the envelope 02-562-0127
>Thank you.
>Christina Kim
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