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Subject: Re: credit where credit is due - WNUR Radio

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Date Posted: 08/31/09 3:24pm
In reply to: Kelly 's message, "Dan tunes on WNUR Radio" on 08/28/09 7:40pm

Well, in my previous post I was applauding Ron Lewis for playing Dan tunes on his show. But of course, I couldn't resist ragging on him a little about fading out "Nature of the Game". So, now that he's made good on it, I've gotta give him the full credit he deserves.

Ron said he would play it again on his next show, and yesterday while filling in for another host, he did indeed play Nature of the Game, all the way through. But that's not all. As if my nitpicking wasn't enough, I had also greedily suggested that it would be nice if he also played "Come to the Harbor". And to my surprise, he kindly played that too. So Ron's reputation is not only clean now, he also gets extra credit...lol.

And I gotta tell ya, I feel kinda special right now - it's not often I have my requests fulfilled. (But I know the feeling won't last long. In fact, I just made a request to my son....something along the lines of cleaning his room....and I got the usual response. So the specialness is fading fast.....but it was nice while it lasted :-)

Seriously, thanks to Ron at WNUR for giving Dan some of the attention he deserves. I don't know if other stations are playing Dan's new music or not, because I don't listen to radio much, but at least we know someone's getting it out there. So, check out Ron's show if you get a chance. He's a good guy.



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