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Subject: Poison Idea/Verbal Abuse show last nite

Mouse Ramone
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Date Posted: 14:54:27 07/22/05 Fri

Thanks to all who came out to see the Legandary Poison Idea first time in Dallas, Tx. in 20 years and from the turn out I doubt they will ever play DullAss again. You kids Dissapointed me and some of you old schoolers. If you don't support it, it will no longer exist, don't take shows for granted. I know the GBH show might have strapped some of you, but Poison Idea was a much better show and a better band than GBH. Also Verbal Abuse put on a great show, as always. It was nice to see the Bulemics, came all the way up from Austin to play the show for about 60 people. I want to thank Derek, Mike, and Chris C., for showin up and rockin out, some of us old schoolers still care about the scene. Thanks to the Kids that did show up to the show, you know who you are and you kids rock. Also want to thank Damagecase, they rock harder ever time i see them, for opening the show.Also would like to thank Mike the Owner of RBC for taking a chance and taking a big loss on a nite that should have had at least 200 to 300 people, not 60. I hope you continue to do shows, although the kids don't seem to give a damn one way or another. They will be forced to only see shows for $17.50 and up when they have no place to go and see shows anymore.I hope you kids show up for the Briefs/Street Dogs/Jump Boys/Dog Co. show on 07/30/05 also go see the Phantom Rockers-Psychobilly Legends/Sick City Daggers( fron San Antinio Tx.)/ the Doubledowns Sat. 08/06/05 It is your scene if you keep it. Support non coporate punk rock music. Gabba Gabba Hey! Mouse Ramone

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Re: Poison Idea/Verbal Abuse show last niteold fuck07:04:01 07/25/05 Mon
Re: Poison Idea/Verbal Abuse show last niteJay07:47:18 08/24/05 Wed

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