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Subject: Ive been hearing the same thing

Paulie Pipes
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Date Posted: 08:04:50 06/02/05 Thu
In reply to: Subcity Urban Terrorist 's message, "Is RBC in danger of closing ??" on 13:25:57 05/31/05 Tue

Yeah I have been hearing the same shit for god knows how long now.... But it is up to us to start doing more shows here... We need to have benefit shows just to raise money for the RBC... I think that a show charging $8 - $10 a head and having local bands play... Kind of like a RBC fest with punk, hardcore and psychobilly... I know plenty of bands that would be all about doing it. We need to stop having shows at Across The Street Bar because Phil the guy that runs the place is a sexist womanizing shit head that is always trying to get girls drunk and take advantage of them. Thats why I dont really go there anymore. I refuse to support him... If you dont believe me then ask Chris Piss what happened last year that the dude almost got his ass kicked by myself, Chris Piss, Caleb and Clay amongst some other guys.... When was the last time that you heard of Mike, Mike, Harold, myself, Ann, Micah or anyone else has ever worked there doing something like that?! But anywho I smell an RBC Fest coming on.... also start talking to shawn vaughn and let him know that he is in a local band yeah they are signed but when they play a LOCAL show with a touring band fuck asking for $150 to play...... This club belongs to us and no one else....

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Subject Author Date
Re: Is RBC in danger of closing ??Marketing agent17:57:52 07/05/05 Tue
    Re: Is RBC in danger of closing ??Petey Bombay13:50:50 07/06/05 Wed
    Re: AdvertisingMouse Ramone20:02:28 07/07/05 Thu

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