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Date Posted: 05:35:02 02/03/09 Tue
Subject: Re: Another Player gone - WTFC
In reply to: Another wimborne fan 's message, "Re: Another Player gone - WTFC" on 05:02:24 02/03/09 Tue

How can you say Olly Phillipson Masters isn't good enough? Absolute load of rubbish! Ollie probably should've made the step up to a better league a few years ago, as should of Scott Arnold who i'm sure will follow suit soon. Watching ollie week in week out, for the amount of time that me and my family have (which obviously you haven't) you'd do very well to find a more reliable defender and decent bloke! He has taken some stick lately, but quite obviously hasn't enjoyed his football for months maybe even years! All these lads used to play with a smile on their face at Wimborne in the days of Paul Arnold, that has gone! As for big Sammy being kicked out of the club for financial reasons, this saddens most fan's i spoke to on Saturday, I have watched him at this club since he was about 16 and his effort can never be questioned! Probably left because they just bought in 3 new players (2 if you discount Tom McCormick), and what do we reckon they all get paid? Good luck to where they both go, i'm sure we will end up seeing them return to the Cuthbury with smiles on their faces again and i for one will welcome them both! No other club in the league would treat players like this, not a chance!!

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  • Re: Another Player gone - WTFC -- Wessex follower (Are you kidding !!), 08:34:11 02/03/09 Tue
  • Re: Another Player gone - WTFC -- Outside perspective, 03:21:05 02/09/09 Mon

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