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Date Posted: 08:34:11 02/03/09 Tue
Author: Wessex follower (Are you kidding !!)
Subject: Re: Another Player gone - WTFC
In reply to: Another wimborne fan 's message, "Re: Another Player gone - WTFC" on 05:02:24 02/03/09 Tue

Barnes not good enough you say, well thats crap, Cannie not good enough you say, thats more crap, look who they are playing for you state in a derisory way, well thats even more crap !!!!!. Christchurch and Hamworthy both won against the once mighty WTFC at your one time fortress being the Cuthbury I seem to recall and Christchurch are still in the FA Vase with Barnes, Smith and Kearn, all ex WTFC cast offs, in their ranks. More accurate facts for you, Hamworthy have a much smaller playing budget than WTFC and will probably finish higher than WTFC come the seasons end and Christchurch might also be above them, they have no budget at all. WTFC have now completely lost their way both on and off the field, from once being a very good top and well run club, they are now rapidly falling to pieces and its cost them a bomb, SHAME.

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