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Date Posted: 17:28:33 01/18/07 Thu
Author: Joey
Subject: He let out a soft breath and gave his brother a hesitant smile. "Yeah..she's threatened to kick your ass a few times too...and she's not crazy...she's just...opinionated." He smirked a little, looking up towards the door of the O.R. "You would think she would have something to say about Nina by now.." He murmured, even though it had only been a few minutes, Lacy hadn't even gotten back from getting coffee yet but he was damn impatient to get some sort of word on his girlfriend. "I am going to ask her to marry me...soon as the baby is born and everything is ok."
In reply to: Nina 's message, "Words are words and they mean nothing
Surely I love you counts for something
So let's be hasty, and let's be reckless
Just being with you leaves me breathless
on 11:21:29 01/17/07 Wed

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  • Jason smiled a touch at that and nodded a little. It didn;t suprise him really... He knew his brother well. "Good... Make an honest woman out of her and tie her down..." He winked and let a smirk flicker at his lips. Lacey reappeared as if on cue, smiling a little as she handed the boys the plastic cups of coffee before sitting down on the other side of Joey, taking his hand gently. Severl minutes later the doors swung open and an intern appeared, approaching them "Nina is stablized and they're proceeding with the caesarean section now... You can go in if you want... be there with her...." (NT) -- Jason, 17:40:40 01/18/07 Thu

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