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Date Posted: 09:22:32 01/19/07 Fri
Author: Joey
Subject: He was glad she was calm because he was pretty sure if he looked down at her stomach he was going to throw up everywhere. It was all he could do to gaze into her eyes, at her face, and not freak out. His jaw was clenched and his eyes were focused, his large hand moving to cover her hair at the top of his forehead. He just murmured softly to her, telling her he loved her, that he was proud of her and that everything was going to be ok. His voice was thick and husky, evidence of his emotional state. When the baby's cry filled the room his breath caught and his eyes flew up, catching sight of his child as she was brought into the world.
In reply to: Nina 's message, "Words are words and they mean nothing
Surely I love you counts for something
So let's be hasty, and let's be reckless
Just being with you leaves me breathless
on 11:21:29 01/17/07 Wed

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  • The baby was taken straight into an incubator, just to monitor her heartbeat since there had been the drop in pressure in the womb. The doctor looked to Joey and spoke through his mask "You need to go with your baby now... we have to proceed with Nina's surgery immediately..." The nurse moved to him and procceded to usher him along with the incubator that was being rolled out of the OR. They covered Nina's face with a mask and put her out, though as soon as they did, as the baby and Joey reached the swinging doors, her heart monitor started beeping and her levels dopped right down, putting her heart into cardiac arrest. "Get them out of here..." The doctor commanded- as a couple of nurses went to urge Joey out with the newborn little girl. (NT) -- Nina, 09:39:57 01/19/07 Fri

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