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Date Posted: 09:52:28 01/19/07 Fri
Author: Rio
Subject: Rio came to his door in a pair of jeans which hung low on his hips and a white beater, his muscled torso clear through the material, and his thick arms on show. "Hey man..." he murmered at seeing Kaden. He'd always gotten along witht he guy- though Rio tended to get along with everyone. "Whats up?" Rio wasn;t around this place much through the day- he worked long hours still- and he liked to stay out of the way of the place... When he was home he was either chilling with Jason and Joey or Armani or most often Kabri, who was determined to cheer him up.
In reply to: Kaden 's message, "
Hello, are you with me?
Am I getting through to you?
on 09:32:19 01/19/07 Fri

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  • "Hey...listen, is Jackie in? I haven't seen her for a few days, she's not gettin' sick again is she?" Not that Rio wouldn't take care of her if she was. He had a lot of faith in the couple, kinda thought that they were keeping each other afloat and all that. He also knew Rio made some decent money working hard manual labor too but didn't get medical coverage or anything like that so at least the kid had his act together. Kaden figured they would be the next ones (after him and Ella) to head out on their own, starting their own lives but still entangeled in the going on's at the house. (NT) -- Kaden, 09:57:17 01/19/07 Fri

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