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Subject: Re: Non-busy weekend

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Date Posted: 09:04:13 10/08/07 Mon
In reply to: Ken 's message, "Re: Non-busy weekend" on 08:51:36 10/08/07 Mon

>Go Jessica.
>Oddly enough a good parent can't JUST be a parent. In
>order for a child to grow up healthy and happy a
>parent single or otherwise has to be happy with
>I mean honestly .. who wants a Mom who never leaves
>the house? Develop a hobby or 2 .. even better
>develop a hobby you could share with your little one
>after they grow some. Cooking sounds great. You
>might want to try something like the "Starving
>Students Cookbook". They are simple cheep & tasty
>recipies that are great for a beginner.
>Here is an example (not from the book but from when I
>was younger and cooking for myself alot)
>Twice Baked Potatoe.
>Bake a potatoe (pretty obvious right?)
>Cut it in half. Scoop out the insides into a bowl.
>Mix in some salt, pepper (to taste), milk (to soften
>it up a bit) and cheese. Personaly I love cheese so I
>can add quite a bit. Mix it together and put it back
>into the potatoe shells. Use a fork to pat down the
>top and give it some texture. Then bake for another
>15-20 min.
>Seriously though. Parenting is hard. How else would
>all of those people writing parenting books make
>money? Sounds like your doing great to me.
ken...that was a great response! instead of bickering and fussing, you actually have a positive response and an answer for her problem!!! we need more people that thinks the way you do!....way to go ken!!!

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Re: Non-busy weekendLacy09:54:46 10/08/07 Mon

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