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Date Posted: Friday, July 08, 11:43:15pm
Author: Dancin mom
Subject: I beg to differ - not every adult is offered the chance to dance with the younger dancers
In reply to: Aine 's message, "Re: I'd like to see adults doing slow speed hard shoe again" on Friday, July 08, 10:43:14am

Even if you can find a TCRG willing to teach you slow speed - chances are they wont let you dance in with the age groups. Not everyone had that choice. It would be great if it was allowed, but I don't see it happening

Not all adult dancers are able to keep up with the kids. I have a friend who does a beautiful slow speed hornpipe - her rhythm is perfect - but she does not move the step as much as a 16 year old could. She doesnt want to compete her slow speed hornpipe against 16 year olds, she wants to compete against 30 and 40 year olds - and maybe even some twenty somethings. She's not looking into getting into prelims at this point, she just wants to dance her dance that she's worked on for 3 years now, against her peers.

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