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Date Posted: Thursday, July 21, 10:06:46am
Author: adult dancer
Subject: I am in the same boat...
In reply to: Dancin Mom 's message, "All of this is wonderful in theory however my teacher REFUSES to even consider letting us switch" on Thursday, July 21, 08:05:24am

My TC refuses to let any of her adult dancers switch to overs. Different TCs have different reasons; some don't want to break up their adult ceili teams. Some - like mine - just don't believe that 40 yr. old women should be competing on the same stage with 15 yr. olds. There are some regions that this is unheard of; others where it is fairly typical. I, too, cannot switch schools, either.

The thing you might be missing is this: If there were no more "adult" competitions...let me rephrase that, if "adult" competitions got "mainstreamed" into "21 & Over", then THAT would be the "new adult" comps, but would be under the exact same rules of overs.

If that's the way the levels were run, then any adult would simply dance in their level at 21&Over...I'd love that, because then all my current adult co-competitors would have to switch with me. One of the worst things to happen with the no-slow-speed rule was that, those who could switch, by and large, did. There were precious few adult competitors to begin with; now, there are less. They've split us up. I want us to compete all together again, but the way things are set up now, it's impossible. Some adults dance in overs, others MUST stay in "adults". Making 21 & Over would FORCE us all to compete against each other. That's very fair, I think.

Now, your TC - and mine - would know that, through no fault of our own, the "adult" competitions are now called "21 & Over". The prohibition to switch would be out of her hands. You wouldn't be dancing with kids. You would have all levels open to you. And you'd be allowed to dance slow-speed. What could be bad?

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  • Re:teachers not letting adults dance andovers. -- Aine, Thursday, July 21, 03:11:35pm

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