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Date Posted: 16:42:40 06/04/14 Wed
Author: Lace
Subject: Living out fate Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Harm and Mac's house
June 5th

Harm looked around the empty room and wondered again how he would decorate it. Mac was seven months along and he wanted to surprise her with the perfect nursery. The problem was that he had been stubborn and refused to know if they were having a boy or a girl, and now he regretted it. Mac had originally wanted to know what they were having, but since Harm had felt so strongly about it being a surprise she had told the Doctor that she didn't want to know it either.

Harm walked out of the room and walked over to his and Mac's bedroom. Mac was on the bed, a light sheet covering her feet, one hand on her round belly and a book in the other hand. She was beautiful Harm thought as he studied her.

Mac put the book down and looked at him suspiciously. “What now?”

Harm hesitated. This was the third time he had entered the room, but cowardly retreated back to the nursery without telling her that he had changed his mind.

He walked over to the bed and sat down. “Remember how I didn't want to know if we are having a boy or a girl?”

Mac smiled. “Have you changed your mind?”

“It would be easier to surprise you with the perfect nursery if I knew,” Harm said with a sweet smile as he put his hand on her belly. “Wow, is it a monster in there?”

“I think she'll be an excellent kick-boxer,” Mac said and caressed her belly softly.

Harm's smile widened. “I can't wait to have the baby here with us. I'm going to be the best Dad ever.”

Mac took his hand. “You already are.”

Harm leaned in and kissed her sweetly. “How are you feeling?”

“Just great. Taking it easy as the Doctor ordered.” Mac offered a cute pout. “Although I'm bored and I'm sure I'm going to gain a ton since I'm not allowed to work out.”

“It's worth it if it means a healthy baby, right?” Harm kissed her again.

Mac nodded. “I don't think I've ever been more scared in my life than I was when the contractions started. Don't worry, I'll be an obedient patient.”

Harm smiled. “I know you will....” He stopped abruptly. “Mac, earlier did you say that she'll be a kick-boxer?”

Mac nodded as a happy smile formed on her face.

“You knew all along?” Harm's eyes widened.

“I just had to know,” she said and touched his cheek lightly. “So, what do you think?”

“I think it's perfect,” he said as he kissed her sweetly. “I love you.”

“I love you too,” Mac said with a sweet smile.

They both turned towards the door when there was knock. Mattie stood in the doorway with a tray.

“I thought you'd might like a snack,” she said as she walked into the room. “It's just fruit, but you did order us not to bring you anything you could get fat by eating so...”

“That sounds perfect,” Mac said as Mattie put down the tray. “Guess what, we're having a girl.”

Mattie looked at Harm. “You changed your mind?”

“Yes,” he said with a sweet smile. “You'll be getting a sister.”

“I was actually hoping for a girl. I saw these really cute dresses when I went shopping with Trish last week, and we almost did buy one,” Mattie said.

“Well, feel free to shop as many dresses as you want,” Harm said as he stood. “Do you need anything?”

“Nope, I'm fine,” Mac reassured.

“Yell if you're dying of boredom, I'll just be in my office,” he said as he headed for the door.

One week later
Harm and Mac's house

Since Mac hadn't had any more contractions and her check up the previous day didn't show any signs of premature labor her Doctor had told her that she could take small walks around the house and in the garden, but mostly stay in bed or on the couch. Mac was happy to be allowed out of bed for more than bathroom trips and showers, but she didn't want to take any chances so she mostly stayed in bed. To her disappointment Harm was busy at work and had been home late most nights, and she missed him.

“Are you sure you don't need anything more before I go?” Trish asked.

“I'm sure. Thank you for bringing me more books. I asked Harm to stop by the book store, but he forgot about it again. You just saved me from another boring day,” Mac said with a thankful smile.

“I'm glad to help. You should be covered for a while now, but just let me know and I'll be glad to pick up more books,” Trish said and hugged her. “Bye.”

“Bye,” Mac said. She reached for the latest Patricia Cornwell book and headed upstairs.

That was how Harm found her two hours later when he came home from work. “Hi. Did you eat? I'll just change and get started with dinner. Did Mattie call you about staying with Jenn?”

“No, I haven't and yes, she did,” Mac said as she watched him undress. “Come here.”

Harm put on sweatpants and a t-shirt and walked over to the bed. “Are you feeling okay?”

Mac reached for his hand and dragged him down on the bed. “Let's order something. Watch a movie with me?”

Harm leaned in and kissed her. “What are you in the mood for?”

“You,” she said with a sexy smile.

Harm chuckled before he kissed her passionately. “Sorry, but that's all you get for now.” He stood and found his cellphone. “How does Chinese sound?”

“It's fine,” Mac said with a shrug. “I wish you could be on bed rest with me.”

Harm looked thoughtful. “What if I can?”

Mac was confused. “What?”

“I just finished a case, things are slowing down so I'm sure A.J can handle things for a few days,” Harm smiled as he dialed the number for their usual Chinese restaurant. After he had ordered he called A.J and told him that he was taking a few days off to stay with Mac.

“So, what do you do all day?” Harm said as he put the phone away.

“Mostly I read, then I go to the bathroom because your daughter is squeezing my bladder, then I read some more, go downstairs for a snack, bathroom again, a little more reading, maybe a walk around the garden and some more reading... Mac shrugged. “That pretty much sums it up.”

Harm sat down on the bed and pulled her close. “I think you're doing a great job taking care of our baby.”

“Thanks,” Mac mumbled into his shoulder.

“So, how about getting out of this bed? We'll get comfortable on the couch, find a movie to watch and maybe we'll even find something unhealthy for dessert.” Harm stood and reached for her hand.

Mac smiled. “That's the best offer I've gotten all day.” She took his hand and let him help her to her feet. “But you have to be unhealthy too then.”

Harm laughed softly. “That's a deal.”

Two hours later they had eaten dinner, ice cream for dessert and were in the middle of the movie “50 first dates”. Mac was resting against Harm's chest and their hands were entwined and resting on top of her belly where their daughter were doing her evening gymnastics, making Harm more focused on that than the movie.

“This is the best date I've ever had,” Mac said as the movie ended.

Harm chuckled. “What kinda men have you been dating if this is the best date.”

“It's not about the location, it's about the man,” Mac said and turned her head to look at him.

Harm smiled and kissed her. “I love you.”

Mac smiled sweetly. “I love you too.”

“It's only two months left until little miss Mackenzie Rabb will be with us, maybe we should talk about names?” Harm suggested.

“Yeah, we probably should,” Mac agreed. “Any suggestions?”

Harm thought about it. “I always wanted to name my daughter after my grandmother, but it'll be confusing with three Sarah's around.”

“I guess,” Mac agreed.

“What about you family?” Harm wondered.

“I was close to my mother's mom, but her name was Narmineh. My father's mother was Ruth,” Mac said and shrugged. “I don't really like any of those names.”

“We don't have to decide tonight. Let's buy some of those books, and maybe search the internet,” Harm suggested and started kissing her neck. “You want to go to bed?”

“Can we take a walk around the garden first?” Mac asked as she prepared to stand.

Harm followed her. “Anything you want, ma'am.”

Mac smiled as she reached for his hand. “Come on, handsome.”

To be continued.

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[> A very heartwarming chapter Lace, (and a lovely present on my birthday, lol). -- JoyZ, 17:07:38 06/04/14 Wed [1]

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[> Wonderful wonderful chapter. Perfect date -- Beth, 19:20:04 06/04/14 Wed [1]

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[> Another great chapter! -- cd, 22:40:05 06/04/14 Wed [1]

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[> wonderful Lace -- Bev uk, 15:06:28 06/05/14 Thu [1]

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