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Date Posted: 22:01:04 06/07/14 Sat
Author: usmgrad
Subject: June Challenge

June, the beginning of summer (for the northern hemisphere) and time to think about vacations. Your challenge this month can be summed up in two words "Harm & vacation". Where he goes is up to you. Will it be a "staycation" with Harm not going anywhere? Will Harm visit family - Mom and step dad, grandmom, grandkids? Will it be a "forced" vacation like Admiral Chegwidden in War Stories. Perhaps his vacation will be a secret rendezvous with someone special. Or maybe it will be an unplanned vacation, you know the kind that happens when you are planning something else. Maybe Harm was somewhere close and attended the 70th anniversary of D-Day in France or a memorial on an overseas base.

Be sure to put June Challenge in your message subject when you post the story.

I won't be around for a few weeks, as I am going on vacation! Hum, maybe I'll take along a note pad and do some writing.

As always thanks for helping keep Harm and all our JAG friends alive with your imagination.

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[> usmgrad and everyone inside : -- Laurence, 09:51:43 06/08/14 Sun [1]

I just googled in french Google :

70ème anniversaire


If you think I can help, i'm here, maybe I can for you do some searchs with the french Google or other things

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