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Date Posted: 17:08:50 06/08/14 Sun
Author: Lace
Subject: Living out fate Chapter 11

Chapter 11

Harm and Mac's house
July 2nd

It was a nice summer day and all of Mac's friends and family were gathered for her baby shower and barbeque. It had been Harriet's idea to throw the baby shower and she had asked Harm if he thought it would be too much excitement for Mac. Harm had given her permission to throw a small one with only the closest friends and family at their house and he had promised her that he would be in charge of the barbeque while Harriet took care of presents and cake.

Mac had been happy with all the gifts and well wishes, but after a few hours Harm saw that she was tired so he moved everyone outside for the barbeque while Mac rested on the couch. Mac had been having contractions on and off over the last month and was on strict bed rest until the baby arrived and Harm only worked half days so that he could be with her as much as possible. The bed rest was beginning to wear on his usually stoic Marine, she put up a brave face but Harm knew her well enough to see through it and he knew that she was bored and scared.

After resting for an hour Mac woke up because she had some pain in her back. Soon she felt pressure on her pelvic, worse than what she had felt earlier in the pregnancy. She tried to relax, but when the pressure didn't ease up she decided that it was time to go to the hospital.

Mac saw Trish stepping into the living room as she prepared to stand. “Trish, can you get Harm?”

“Is everything okay?” Trish noticed Mac's painful facial expression.

“I think we better go to the hospital,” Mac said.

Trish hurried outside, but calmed down and discretely got her son's attention. She knew Mac wouldn't like it if she mad a big commotion. Harm walked with is mother back to the house and Trish explained what was going on.

Harm hurried over to Mac. “Are you in labor?”

Mac nodded. “I think so. Let's just go to the hospital.”

Harm helped Mac outside and into the car and drove off as calmly as he could under the circumstances. “Just lay back and relax, Mac. Everything will be okay.” Harm was reassuring himself as much as Mac.

When they arrived at the hospital Mac was examined right away and three hours later she was resting quietly in a hospital room while Harm called his mother to let her know what was going on.

“Mac is resting now. They've managed to stop the contractions and we'll just wait and see,” Harm said.

“Will she be staying there then?” Trish asked.

“She'll be here until the baby is born. The Doctor said that the best thing for the baby is to stay inside Mac for at least three more weeks. She's showing no signs of distress right now, and if that continues and Mac doesn't go into premature labor again they see no reason to take her out yet,” Harm explained.

“That's good. Mattie will stay with Frank and me, and we'll bring her to see Mac tomorrow. I'm sure you'll be spending most of your time at the hospital, and it'll be better for us if Mattie stays at our home,” Trish said.

“That sounds great, Mom. Tell Mattie that I'll see her tomorrow, and try not to worry too much, okay?” Harm said.

“Tell Mac that we all love her, and that goes for you too, honey. Let us know if you need anything,” Trish said with worry in her tone.

“I love you too, Mom. Bye,” Harm said and hung up. He put his phone away and headed back to Mac's room.

One week later
Mac's hospital room

Mac was resting when Harm entered the room, so he quietly sat down by her bed. The week had been long for Mac, having to stay in bed most of the time and Harm had tried his best to be good entertainment. Thankfully Mac's contractions had stopped and there was no signs of premature labor. Harm and Mac had been worried, but the Doctor's had reassured them that even though their daughter arrived early they were prepared for it and she'd get the best medical treatment possible.

“Hey,” Harm said as Mac slowly opened her eyes.

She smiled. “Hey, when did you get here?”

“A few minutes ago,” Harm leaned forward and took her hand. “Mattie says hi and she'll stop by after school.”

“Did you get a good nights sleep?” Mac wondered as she pushed the button to raise the back of her bed to a sitting position.

“I did, but the bed is so empty without you,” Harm said as he leaned in and kissed her sweetly.

“I miss sharing a bed with you too,” Mac said as she rested her forehead against his. “So, did you bring me something?”

Harm laughed softly. “I did.” He pointed to her bedside table.

Mac's smile widened. “Thank you,” she said as she reached for the chocolate bar.

“So, what do yo want to do today?” Harm wondered.

“Tel me about the worlds outside,” Mac demanded as she tugged his hand. “And don't sit all the way over there.”

Harm moved over to the bed and pulled her close. “What do you want to know?”

“Anything,” Mac mumbled as she rested against him.

Two weeks later
Mac's room

During the night Mac's contractions had started again and the Doctor had decided that this time they wouldn't try to stop it. Mac had called Harm, and he'd come to be by her side. The night moved along without any major changes and when the doctor came in to check on her she was only three centimeters dilated.

“Well Sarah, this isn't moving along very fast, but the baby is doing great so you just be patient, okay?” The Doctor said.

Mac nodded. “Can I go for walk?”

“As long as you're not dizzy you can move around as you wish,” the Doctor said with a smile.

Most of the day went by with Mac taking small walks and resting in between. Matt, Trish, Frank and Mattie stopped by for a while which made time go a little faster. At 1700 Mac was transferred to the delivery room. Then around 1800 the Doctor said that now she was almost at ten centimeters and the contractions were getting very strong.

“I think it's time we meet your little girl, Sarah,” the Doctor said with a smile.

“Finally,” Mac said as she relaxed a little when the contraction ended.

“You're doing great,” Harm said and touched her cheek lightly.

“When the next contraction hits you can push,” the Doctor said.

At this point everything went very fast and soon the room was filled with baby cry. Harm had tears running down his face when he cut the cord and he couldn't believe that they finally had their miracle.

“You did it, Mac,” he said as he put his arm around her and looked down at their baby girl who was resting on her mother's chest for the first time.

“We did it,” Mac said with a loving smile. “I love you.”

“I love you too,” Harm said and kissed her.

It was a very proud father who showed his newborn to Matt, Trish, Frank and Mattie the next morning. Trish and Mattie both cried and Frank and Matt looked so happy they could burst.

“Oh, look at her. She's so beautiful,” Trish said as she wiped her tears away.

“Do you want to hold her?” Harm said and handed the little bundle over to his Mom.

Trish smiled widely as she held the girl. “Hey there sweetheart, I'm your grandmother.”

“Did you guys agree on a name?” Mattie wanted to know.

Harm and Mac shared a look and a smile. “We did. We both like Emily.”

“What a beautiful name,” Frank said.

Matt, Trish and Mattie booth agreed.

Harm put his arms around Mac and kissed her head. “She's perfect.”

Mac nodded. “Yeah, she is.”

To be continued.

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[> Great chapter. -- cd, 18:57:44 06/08/14 Sun [1]

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[> Wonderful chapter. Can't wait for more with the baby. I like Emily. -- Beth, 20:08:03 06/08/14 Sun [1]

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[> Could not be more perfect! Can't wait to get acquainted with Emily! -- JoyZ, 23:32:48 06/08/14 Sun [1]

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[> Love the baby name looking forward to more Lace -- Bev uk, 14:57:02 06/09/14 Mon [1]

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[> Thanks for a great story. Can't wait for the next installment!!! -- Kelsey, 12:03:33 06/11/14 Wed [1]

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