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Date Posted: 15:47:50 06/11/14 Wed
Author: Lace
Subject: June challenge: Vacation

This is the sequel to my story "Family time" that I posted a while ago.

The characters aren't mine, mistakes are.

June challenge

The Burnett home
La Jolla, San Diego, California

Harmon Rabb Junior stretched and opened his eyes slowly. He looked at his watch and saw that it was 0907 already, he put the watch away and snuggled closer to the woman next to him. He knew that his mother had a big lunch planned and that the kids had promised to help her out, which meant that Harm had all the time in the world to indulge in a little morning activity with his wife. They had arrived late last night and when they finally went to bed sleeping was at the top of their list, but now Harm had other things on his mind.

Mac smiled as she felt Harm's warm lips on her neck, and she moved her head to grant him better access. Nothing was better than some quality time with her man, and when they were on vacation it was even better since they had all the time in the world.

“Good morning,” Harm whispered as he reached her mouth.

“It is a good morning,” Mac said between kisses.

A while later they were wrapped together after a round of lovemaking, enjoying the peace and quiet. Harm was running his hand up and down her arm, and every now and then kissing her temple sweetly.

“It's hard to believe that eight years ago we'd just moved to London. Mattie was facing months of rehabilitation, and you had put your career on hold.”

“Feeling a little nostalgic?” Mac teased.

“Yeah, I think I do. Back then, before we decided to get married, I didn't know what being happy really was about. I thought it was flying a plane,” Harm teased.

Mac laughed softly. “So no regrets?”

Harm looked into her eyes. “No.”

“Good,” Mac said sweetly and kissed him passionately.

A knock on the door interrupted them. “Are you guys awake?” Trish asked.

Harm let go of Mac and got out of bed, threw on sweatpants and a t-shirt before he opened the door. “Morning, Mom.”

“I just wanted to let you know that Frank and I will be taking the kids with us to do some shopping. Everything is ready for lunch and people will be arriving around 1230 so be decent by then,” Trish said with a teasing smile.

Harm snapped to attention. “Yes, ma'am.”

Trish rolled her eyes. “If you hear noises it's just Anna doing the last preparations for lunch, okay? Enjoy your morning.” Anna was Trish and Frank's maid.

“Thanks, Mom,” Harm said as he closed the door and turned to Mac with a sexy gleam in his eyes. “Did you hear that? We don't need to be decent until 1230.”

Mac smiled. “That's not exactly what I heard, but if you come back to bed we can at least enjoy another hour or so naked.”

Harm hurried to shed his clothes before he got back into bed again. “Now, where were we?”

“You're supposed to be an old married man, Harm,” Mac teased.

Harm started kissing down her neck. “But my wife is so hot, I can't get enough.”

Mac laughed as he found a ticklish spot. Harm smiled as he looked into her eyes. “I'm the luckiest man alive.”

Mac sobered up. “Oh, that's so sweet.”

“It's the truth, baby. I have everything, you and the kids. Sometimes it overwhelms me,” he admitted. “Being here with you, having time for us, it means so much to me.”

“I like it when you're like this,” Mac said quietly as she ran her hand through his hair. “I love you so much, Harm.”

Harm leaned in and kissed her deeply. “I love you too, Sarah.”

Two days later
Trish and Frank's house

Mac was on the couch with a novel enjoying some quiet time to herself while Harm was outside with Matthew. Nathan had just left for a run and Claire was out on a walk with Trish and Frank. Mac looked up from her novel as the front door opened and shut. She jumped to her feet when she heard. “Anyone home?”

“Mattie?” Mac hurried to meet her oldest daughter.

Mattie hugged her mother. “It's so great to see you, Mom. Where's everyone?”

“Didn't you see Matthew and Harm outside?” Mac questioned.

“Nope,” Mattie dropped her bag on the floor. “It's really great seeing you Mom.” Mattie put her arms around Mac again.

Mac held Mattie close. “Mattie, is everything okay? You were supposed to be with William for two more days.”

Mattie released her mother. “We broke up.”

“Oh, honey, I'm so sorry,” Mac took her daughter's hand and led her to the couch. “What happened?”

Mattie relaxed into the couch. “Will got a job in Oklahoma. I still have one year left at Harvard, then I'll join up and serve my country. Will asked me to marry him.”

“There's a gap between asking you to marry him and breaking up,” Mac said with wonder.

“I said no when he proposed. I'm not ready to settle down yet, Mom,” Mattie said between sobs. “I think I broke his heart.”

Mac wrapped her daughter in a hug. “It's going to be okay, honey.”

Thirty minutes later Mattie had calmed down and composed herself when the rest of the family arrived and she was overrun with hugs and kisses. Harm could sense that Mattie wasn't quite herself, but he didn't question it when he got a warning look from his wife.

“Finally we're all together,” Mac said happily and wiped away a happy tear.

Harm wrapped his arms around her. “Is my Marine a little emotional?”

Mac nodded against his chest and laughed a little. “I'm being silly.”

“Let's celebrate,” Frank said. “I'm taking everyone out for a fancy dinner.”

“Cool, I can wear my new dress,” Claire said happily.

Soon the kids ran off to take a swim in the pool, Trish and Frank excused themselves to visit with a neighbor who was ill, Mac went outside to watch the kids leaving Harm and Mattie to catch up.

“You did the right thing, Mattie,” Harm reassured his daughter.

“That's what Mom said too,” Mattie said.

“Well, your Mom is a smart woman,” Harm said with a sweet smile. “Are you okay?”

“I think so. I just need some time to get used to not having Will in my life I guess. I really thought he was the one you know,” Mattie said with a shrug.

“The right guy will show up and when he does you'll know,” Harm said.

“Yeah,” Mattie agreed. “Let's go outside. I want to show those brats who's the real water polo master.”

Harm laughed. “I'm glad you're here.”

“Me too. I miss you guys so much,” Mattie said with a warm smile. “Mom looks great by the way. And so do you Admiral.”

“Your Mom always looks great,” Harm agreed. “Me, I try to keep up with her.”

Two days later
Burnett apartment, San Francisco

Harm stretched lazily and looked around the room. Mac must already be up, he thought as he got out of bed and put on his boxers. He found her in the kitchen, her back to him leaning over the counter reading the newspaper. She wore his shirt, and he could see her tan slender legs and thought to himself once again what a lucky man he was. After eight years of marriage and nine years of friendship before that he still couldn't get enough of her. As she turned to him he could see that the shirt was buttoned far down and revealed a sexy cleavage.

“You wear that shirt better than me,” he said with a wicked gleam in his eyes.

Mac smiled. “You're so good with compliments, Admiral.”

He loved the sexy way she said Admiral. Only Mac could make rank sound that sexy. “Well, Colonel, you make it easy for me.”

She smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck. “Have I told you how wonderful the last week has been?”

“Only a million times, but I agree. It has been good to have all the kids with us,” Harm said and kissed her sweetly.

“Now I'm looking forward to spend two days alone with you. I like having you to myself,” Mac said sweetly.

“What to do with two long days?” Harm wondered teasingly, knowing that his Marine probably already had a list of things she wanted to see.

“I made a list,” Mac said in a serious tone as she turned back to what she had been doing before he came into the room. “I have the city map here, and I wrote down some things that has to be seen. Then there's dinner tonight....”

Harm cut her off. “I already made reservations for that.”

“You did?” she asked with surprise.

“Wear something fancy,” he said with a sexy smile as he looked her up and down. “Or something sexy.”

Mac got a sexy gleam in her eyes as she started unbuttoning the shirt she was wearing. “What if I...” she pulled the shirt open. “wear...” she let the shirt fall to the floor. “this?”

Harm lost his train of thoughts so he decided actions were better than words and pulled her in for a long mind blowing kiss instead. That was the best part about being just the two of them alone. There was no demands, no one who expected them to be somewhere at an exact time. It was their time to focus solely on each other.

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[> Sounds like a perfect vacation. -- Beth, 08:02:02 06/12/14 Thu [1]

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[> A great vacaction for them LOL -- Bev uk, 11:03:04 06/12/14 Thu [1]

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[> Another lovely chapter Lace, as a matter of fact, going back to 'Family' and hook them together! Thanks for keeping 'tabs on the Rabbs' -- JoyZ, 15:16:28 06/13/14 Fri [1]

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