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Date Posted: 16:34:39 06/13/14 Fri
Author: Lace
Subject: Living out fate Chapter 12

Harm and Mac's house
Six weeks later

Harm stretched tiredly as the alarm went off. He hurried to turn it off and reached for his wife. She was asleep half sitting and half lying, in her arms Emily was sleeping soundly. Apparently Mac had fallen asleep when nursing their daughter. Harm smiled as he reached for Emily and put her down in her crib, before he kissed Mac's cheek. She slowly opened her eyes.

“Go back to sleep. Emily is in her crib. See you tonight,” Harm said and kissed her sweetly.

“I love you,” Mac mumbled as she snuggled under the sheet.

Harm smiled as he headed for the bathroom. Life with a baby was different, but they were lucky having a daughter who woke up to eat and then fell asleep again as soon as she was full and had a clean diaper. Harm really didn't mind being woken up in the middle of the night because he loved watching Mac feed Emily.

When he came downstairs he found Mattie in the kitchen. He knew she had an early swimming date with Nick and he would probably be picking her up soon.

“You look tired,” she commented.

“I don't mind,” Harm said with a smile as he reached for the coffee. “When will you be home?”

“Straight after school. But I have a study appointment with Ally and I'll have dinner with her family. We're doing a project together and we both want an A,” Mattie said as she put her lunch in the bag.

“I can swing by your school and pick you up and we can go get your car up from the mechanic,” Harm said as he sipped his coffee.

“Sounds good,” Mattie said as she prepared to leave. “Have a nice day.”

“You too. And tell Nick to drive carefully,” Harm said.

“Yes, sir,” Mattie said with a salute.

Harm laughed. He knew he was being very overprotective when it came to his family, and especially when it came to Mattie and her boyfriend. Harm trusted that Nick was a good guy, but he was a teenager and Harm had been one too once, and he knew that sometimes teenage boys did stupid things to be cool. Thankfully Mattie was mature, and Harm trusted her.

“It'll be fine. Nick is a good driver,” Mattie reassured.

Harm watched her go with a smile, then he put his mug away and left for work. He hated having to leave Emily, but he had a responsibility to his firm and couldn't stay at home all day to watch his little girl.

Later in the day
Harm and Mac's house

Mac finished loading the washing machine and headed to the living room where her daughter was sleeping peacefully in her cradle. Uncle Matt had made it for them as a gift, and he'd even carved in Emily's name in the wood in perfect letters. Mac smiled as she touched her daughter's soft baby hair. Mac was so in awe by the little girl, she couldn't stop looking at her. Finally she had everything she'd ever wanted, her own little miracle.

The doorbell rang and Mac touched her little girl one more time before she headed to open.

“I hope I'm not disturbing you, I just had to see my grandchild,” Trish said as the door opened.

Mac smiled. “Come in, Trish. I just put her down for a nap actually.”

“In that case maybe you want to go for a run while I watch her?” Trish suggested as they walked over to the cradle.

“Are you sure you don't mind?” Mac asked.

“I could sit and watch her all day,” Trish reassured with a warm smile.

Mac hurried to change and headed outside. After coming home from the hospital Mac went back to her strict work out schedule. She had a fitness test in three months and she didn't want to do worse than before she got pregnant. Mac was dreading going back to work, even though she knew she had to. Having her own command had been a dream of hers and she wasn't ready to retire yet. Harm had reassured her that he would be home for a few months when she went back to work, and then Trish would be taking care of Emily during the day after that. Everything was planned, but still Mac dreaded being away from her daughter during the day.

After Mac's run she showered and shared a nice lunch with her mother in law.

“She's such an angel, isn't she?”Trish said as Mac fed Emily.

Mac smiled. “She really is. I'm a bit overwhelmed actually. I didn't think I'd be able to have children and now I have this perfect little girl in my arms.”

“I think it's normal to be overwhelmed even for someone who doesn't have your condition,” Trish said with a sweet smile. “When I had Harm I was a mess the first months, always afraid to do something wrong. Harmon had to leave shortly after he was born so I was all alone with Harm. It wasn't until I went to stay with Sarah that I could enjoy it all. She old me that as long as I loved Harm I couldn't do anything wrong.”

“It's hard to imagine Harm as a baby,” Mac said with a small laugh.

“He didn't sleep at all the first six months,” Trish remembered. “I was so sleep deprived I didn't know what I was doing in the end. Be glad that Emily haven't inherited that.”

Mac nodded. “He's such a wonderful Dad. He's been so great during the pregnancy and he's so helpful with Emily.”

“I think he's finally allowing himself to be truly happy,” Trish said and hesitated. “I hope you know how happy I am that he found you. It hasn't been easy for Harm, with all his losses, and I'm so proud that he's finally ready to let go of his past.”

“We used our time to finally figure everything out, but it doesn't matter now. Not that we don't still have our disagreements, but at least we're fighting fairly now,” Mac said and smiled as she lifted her daughter to her shoulder to burp her.

“Well, I better get back to the gallery. Thanks for letting me look after her,” Trish stood.

“Any time. Thank you so much, Trish,” Mac said. Having someone like Trish in her life was something Mac had always missed.

Harm and Mac's house
Two days later

Harm walked over to the couch to do some reading after he'd finished breakfast. He had been looking forward to the weekend, since the week had been busy and stressful. He was in the middle of preparing for a trial that would start on Monday and he had wanted to finish all the preparations so that he could spend the weekend with his family. Then in the last minute some new information critical to his defense had to be sorted out and now he had to spend parts of the weekend to make sure he had everything under control for Monday morning. They were invited to a barbeque at Bud and Harriet's house later that day, so he wanted to finish work before they had to leave for that.

Mac walked into the living room waving the baby caller. “She's down for her nap so I'll go for a run now.”

Harm nodded. “Just put it over there.” He pointed to the table as he opened his briefcase and took out some files.

“I thought you had the weekend off?” Mac questioned as she walked over to him.

“I do, I just need to go over a few things,” he offered a cute smile in her direction. “I promise I won't work all weekend.”

Mac bent down and kissed him. “I'm going to hold you to that.”

Harm smiled as he watched her leave. It didn't take more than ten minutes before the baby monitor sprung to life and Harm headed upstairs to check on their daughter. After a diaper change he tried to put her down to sleep again, but after thirty minutes of crying he gave up and brought her downstairs for some daddy-daughter time.

“You're six weeks old and already getting daddy into trouble. Mommy's going to be disappointed when I have to work tonight instead of spending time with her. You're so cute, you know that?”

A while later Mac came back from her run to find her daughter and husband in deep sleep on the couch. She smiled and headed upstairs to take a shower.

Later that night
Harm and Mac's house

After feeding and putting Emily to bed Mac went in search of her husband. She knew that he hadn't been able to finish the work he needed to do earlier in the day because he had fallen asleep with Emily, so she went to their home office where she found him very preoccupied.

“Finished soon?”

He looked up. “Just a few more minutes. Did you want to watch a movie?”

“I have another idea,” Mac said as she walked into the room.

“Yeah?” Harm noticed the sexy gleam in her eyes and he took her hand and dragged her into his lap. “What's that?”

“Meet me in the bedroom and I'll show you,” Mac said and started nibbling on his lip.

Harm pulled her in for a deep kiss, remembering how long it had been since he'd been with Mac that way.

Mac ended the kiss and stood. “Come on.”

Harm jumped to his feet and hurried after her. A little while later they lay side by side on the bed, Harm was softly caressing Mac's back.

“Wow, that was....” Harm hesitated.

“The worst sex we've ever had,” Mac finished.

“Well, maybe if you didn't slap my hands away all the time,” Harm said as he propped himself up on an elbow.

Mac turned to him. “You kept touching my boobs.”

Harm let out a laugh. “That's kinda what I do.”

Mac smiled. “We have to try again.”

“What? Now?” Harm asked.

“No, maybe tomorrow,” Mac said as she kissed him softly.

Harm wrapped her in an embrace. “We'll get the hang of it again.”

“Yeah, we just have to find a way to make it work without my breasts,” Mac said with a chuckle.

“They are kinda the main attraction, you know,” Harm pointed out.

“Well, I'm not going to be breastfeeding forever,” Mac said.

“Well, we'll just have to work on it some more,” Harm said as he pulled the sheet over them. “I love you, Mac.”

“I love you too, Harm.

To be continued

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[> Great family time. Can't wait for more. -- Beth, 22:02:26 06/13/14 Fri [1]

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[> aw a sweet chapter Lace -- Bev uk, 06:50:15 06/14/14 Sat [1]

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[> Taking a break from anonymous lurking to say how much I'm enjoying this fic. Glad you'e back providing good reads. -- Libby, 20:57:35 06/14/14 Sat [1]

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[> Each chapter flowing nicely, loving this story! -- JoyZ, 09:57:00 06/15/14 Sun [1]

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[> Living Out Fate -- Lace, 13:24:28 06/15/14 Sun [1]

Thoroughly enjoy this Rabb family. Checking daily for more. Thanks. Rose

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