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Date Posted: 10:22:07 09/28/07 Fri
Author: Jacki Morgan
Author Host/IP: pool-72-84-38-161.clrk.east.verizon.net /
Subject: 2007 UMM Balloon Festival TEEN & QUEEN Contestant List!

To date there have been 77 young ladies across our beautiful state crowned to represent various Fair & Festivals. On October 6th we will crown the very first QUEEN of the University Motors Mountaineer Balloon Festival! And by her side will be the inaugural TEEN QUEEN!

I have talked to these girls on the telephone~ EXTENSIVLY and each of them would make a remarkable titleholder for the Balloon Festival. Our board wishes each of them the very best of luck!

I just want to take a moment to thank each young lady (and her family) for putting their trust in me and this unique festival in our opening season of pageantry!

The Dominion Post will carry photos this Sunday (October 30th) in our tab.

Enough of my banter~ You folks want a list and I am honored to give it to you! Here are MY GIRLS~

2007 Balloon Festival Teen Contestants

Aubreianna Blair (15) Alma
Kaytlin Brock (12) Morgantown
McKayla Eddy (13) Core
Alyssa Hanisch (12) Fairmont
Brittany Martino (15) Wadestown
Keri McDaniel (13) Cassville
Hannah Perry (14) Point Pleasant
Andrea Price (14) Lumberport
Felesha Rush (14) Wadestown
Rebecca Sanders (15) Fairview
Stachia Shriver (15) Fairview
Misty Walsh (12) Westover

2007 Balloon Festival Queen Contestants

Gabrielle Ash (18) Salem
Morgan Barnhart (18) Burton
Scarlett Blackmore (16) Huntington
Virginia Chambers (17) Morgantown
Shanna Clark (18) Core
Ashley Culberson (17) Morgantown
Kristen Frodelius (20) Morgantown
Lauren Giffen(18) Morgantown
Nichole Greene (16) Cross Lanes
Roseanna Hale (19) Hurricane
Heather Hart (19) Belington
Amanda Hartley (20) Moundsville
Jessica Herndon (19) Nallen
Hannah Hutson(17) Wallace
Nora Kinnison (17) Summersville
Kristin Littleton (18) Moundsville
Shayla Miller (18) Ripley
Lacie Pierson(21) Clay
Brooke Powell (17) West Union
Lacy Pratt (20) Paden City
Ashlee Rice (20) Morgantown
Courtney Sandy (17) Cowen
Marissa Statler (18) Core
Talia Stenger (20) Morgantown
Marcie Uhl (17) Vienna
Andi Vucich (17) Cowen
Jennifer Watterson (16)
Cali Young (21) Glen Dale

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