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Date Posted: 22:25:40 09/02/06 Sat
Author: Mark A.
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Subject: Susan's Smoky Friday

Glad to see Amber who goes with Susan's son is back smoking again.

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Date Posted: 07:23:40 09/01/06 Fri
In reply to: BobF333 's message, "Tell us about your smoking friday" on 06:39:20 09/01/06 Fri

Morning Bob. We like others have a busy Labor Day weekend ahead. I've really heard Newports were addicting. Antis hammer on smoking and tobacco companies deny. What's new.
Meanwhile, it was a busy day yesterday with lunch with my sister-in-law Edith and this lady Evelyn, who a little over a week ago was getting on me because her young daughter was smoking with my niece.
Edith and my brother Warren were at a reception event Wednesday connected with the start of our varsity football team with Evelyn and her husband Howard. When the liquor corks popped, Warren, Howard and Evelyn were there to drink.
Edith, a smoker, did not drink so she could drive them home. Evelyn was soon seen with a cigarette, explaining she was a heavy smoker until 8 years ago. She said she smoked for 20 years which would put her starting age back to 12 or so.
She said she found out her oldest daughter Shirley was pilfering her cigarettes. Evelyn's quitting did not get Shirley to give up cigarettes. It was Shirley identified as who gave E&H's 11-year-old daughter Suzi cigarettes which were shared by my niece Cindi and another girl.
Evelyn bought a pack for the 2-hour trip home and, at lunch, said she gave it to one of the girls.
Wednesday night, Edith's twin daughters Karen and Sharon and Amber, whom my oldest son goes with, spent the night with Shannon, the daughter of E&H, not known to be a smoker.
At lunch, Edith and I smoked. Evelyn said she had made it all morning without smoking after smoking 6 or 7 the night before. She was eyeing my pack of Capri 120s as she said Shannon also smoked with Karen, Sharon and Amber. It was Amber who got her B&H pack.
Evelyn finally had one of my Capri's after lunch and announced she was going to buy a pack the full-flavor B&H's and a pack of Marlboro Lights "for her daughters."
By the time the junior varsity game kicked off, Evelyn was indeed easy going. She and husband came to the game with Suzi.
Shannon and Karen had dates with varsity football players. Sharon was with Marc, a baseball play. Amber was with my oldest son.
My second son was the quarterback and Peggy's son Lee were the stars of a highly prolific and well executed run and gun offense.
Lee kicked the first extra point but after that, they worked on various 2-point conversion plays. The other team was mainly 3 plays and a punt.
Evelyn, Peggy and I stepped out for a cigarette. Then, the girls, including Amber, went out to the parking lot. Suzi went to the top of the stands to say she looked down in the parking lot to see all smoking.
At one point at halftime, right after I lit a Capri, Amber came over to me and asked if they could try my Capris. I gave her the pack and she went over to Shannon, Karen and Sharon where all had one. She came back with the pack and said Shannon liked them. I nearly fainted when Evelyn said she would have to buy Shannon a pack. I remind you Suzi was not seen smoking.
After the game, I asked my son about Amber's going back to smoking. He said this was just a sort of loose thing connected with the football classic they are playing in. Amber's mother has been seen with a pack of Marlboro Lights, but I remind you that football season around here berings out a party atmosphere that lasts as long as the team makes the state playoffs and continues to win.
We will spend the night in a motel tonight and tomorrow night. My son's team will play the Saturday night game but there is a ceremony for the 10-team classic Saturday morning.
The teams involved play their scheduled games but all at the same location. With our team's following, we were an invitee. That was before Cart moved back in town. Cart is said to be worth a cool million and wants to be a part of the community where he grew up.
So, it's off to work and immediately after that to the Classic. Cart is having a reception for our fans at the motel. In addition to us, my sister Jan and husband Stu and 12-year-old twin girls will be there. Nephew Gus is the only freshman currently on the varsity.
My oldest is a sophomore in his second year on the varsity. It should be a fun weekend. Have a great weekend everyone. See you Sunday, most likely.

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