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Date Posted: 22:28:50 09/02/06 Sat
Author: Mark A.
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Subject: Mother Megan's Friday Post

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Date Posted: 08:24:25 09/01/06 Fri
In reply to: BobF333 's message, "Tell us about your smoking friday" on 06:39:20 09/01/06 Fri

Thanks Bob. I heard that about Newports being addicting but was surprised to hear Marlboros included. My daughters are still smoking. Jess is more than 5 a day of Marlboros. Jess and Lisa's dad agrees that they should give up smoking.
For me, he may be like what Quincy described but closer to making suggestions for me like Janice's husband seemed to be. Ladies, it's hard to tell if a guy is letting you smoke because he is giving you a little space or because he likes what he sees.
Smoking is bound to be an arousing factor in many, many relationships. Ted, you seem to have wanted Wilma to smoke pretty bad. I hope you can turn it around when needed but wanting women to smoke seems to be on a guy's hard drive and never goes away.
Think positive that you can do the right things. A relationship is give and take every day and every minute. The girls only smoked one cigarette before school today.
Jess said at a meeting after practice they agreed it would be okay to quit ahead of their Sept. 20 goal date.
It seems there are feelings of addiction setting in and one top athlete is going crazy with a boy and smoking quite a bit. The team would be hurt if she lost it.
Jess says some are smoking and inhaling and others are just smoking for show.
In addition to Maria going crazy over the hunk Boyd while almost chaining (inhaling) cigarettes, her mother is coming out as a smoker claiming "it's just to be silly like the girls."
Agreeing again with Quincy, you can get the habit at any age. I had 20 years of smoking and think I've found a way out. If you smoke, enjoy, but look for the escape opportunity also.
Jessica is in a volleyball tournament that starts tonight and continues through Saturday night. We will be there. Janet, the puppy love gal for my 10-year-old son with be there with her grandmother.
Janet looks like a woman. Cattlemen would say my son's "cods have not dropped." Lisa, who has smoked with Janet's older sister said the little girl continues to have a cigarette every few days. Hope our Junior does not see such. It was disappoint him. There no way he can keep this woman at the same arm's length for 8 years. A split in the future would be sad but bound to happen -- unless his voice starts changing in a hurry. Then, the concern would even be greater.
Have a good weekend all. I'm not mad at anyone except my cigarettes. I never trusted tobacco companies. Smoking is a risk/pleasure tradeoff, nothing more, nothing less.

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