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Date Posted: 21:44:53 09/06/06 Wed
Author: Mark A.
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Subject: Mother Megan from Marble Falls

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Date Posted: 08:50:36 09/06/06 Wed
In reply to: Susan 's message, "Please tell us about your smoking Wednesday" on 07:54:34 09/06/06 Wed

Very interesting Susan. It's a shame this lady has the alcohol problem. I say that knowing I could have had such a problem also. Mine was ended after a very close brush with the law at the age of 17.
A good samaritan saved my rear end. I think at the time I would have reacted to some court punishment with rebellion that might have had me drinking more.
Drinking is way behind me. Smoking is in my near past. I dream that we all 3 smoke. Lisa and Jessica last smoked Monday. It's been about 2 weeks for me.
Lisa's team had a match last night. That pushes the varsity match to tonight. There are those opposed to playing on a church night. Actually when they have a high school volleyball match, it cuts down on some girl's smoking.
The original date to quit is Sept. 20 but Jess and a couple of players have jumped the gun. They all agreed to smoke one cigarette a day. It was the first time to smoke for some. A couple of girls who never tried it liked it.
Amy and Maria were at Lisa's match last night. They have to disappear deep into the parking lot to smoke. There is this look the other way rule that boys and girls in sports should not smoke.
It's obviously not enforced very well. I'm told that Darla, a notorious smoker, has passed her running test and will be cleared for basketball. Darla and Maria were starters on last year's team which lost heavily among the taller girls.
If Darla plays and can endure, it hurts Jessica's chances to be on the varsity since both are point guards. The coach has said the freshman girls will start out on the junior varsity. The JV is to have 2 platoons. Apparently, the varsity will have one to 3 places for promotion depending on what the coach does with some sophomores and juniors.
Darla will be a senior and Maria, leading scorer on the team, will be a junior. Maria shot from the outside which allowed the tall girls to avoid double coverage and a zone defense.
Enough for basketball. Jessica is on the varsity in volleyball and the team is doing much better than expected.
I had never seen Amy and Maria's mothers smoking before but right now they do smoke. It's a new start for Sylvia, Maria's mom, and rekindle of a habit no one knew about for Rebecca. Rebecca had taught kindergarten for years but took early retirement at 54. Then the third grade teacher of my youngest son encountered a problem pregnancy and left. Rebecca got her retirement incentive and starts over at the bottom salary.
At home, Maria and Amy join their mothers in smoking. That has ended at our house. Patricia, Maria's sister, is on Lisa's middle school team. Lisa is the only 7th grader on the 8th grade team.
At another middle school, Lisa's friend Aimee played in the afternoon and won. Aimee is the granddaughter of Rebecca. They like the name Amy.
Rebecca brought Aimee and her sister Janet to Lisa's match. Rebecca came in and then came Aimee and Janet. Janet, 10, sat next to my son the same age and seemed to blow her breath in her face. My son seemed to appreciate. Maybe his cods have dropped.
For Cathy, I know you had a good time. Were cookies the vehicle?
For Susan, I know there is action. Is the holder needed?
Charlotte, a mother and baby okay? I think you and Alice are resident experts on young girls smoking and the influence their mothers have on that.
I only set a bad example but did not encourage. I was fairly quick to provide. I say I provided the best possible response. I think there was more encouragement with some kids in the family as well as in the world.
I see big sisters and even grandmothers also helping young girls smoke but not dads. While my husband wants me to return to smoking, he seems glad the girls have quit.

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