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Date Posted: 21:51:49 09/06/06 Wed
Author: Mark A.
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Subject: Crazy Carmella Comes Back

I knew you'd come back, Carmella. BTW Oldie, what made you decide to bring Carmella back?

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Date Posted: 18:30:54 09/06/06 Wed
In reply to: Susan 's message, "Please tell us about your smoking Wednesday" on 07:54:34 09/06/06 Wed

Here I am smoking again. It was a combination of events. Before my daughter went back to college, I was having a Winston or 2 a day. With all the kids off to college, I bought a pack of Marlboro Lights.
Then, we visited our married children. The girls are 34 and 30. Since I'm 46, let me tell you they are daughters by previous marriages.
I was 42 when I first took up smoking. I was sort of lured into smoking at work. But, it was my fault in the first place and I was quit 6 months. I made other efforts at quitting smoking.
We took off to our oldest daughter's house Friday to spend a quiet Labor Day weekend. All the kids eventually made it.
This girl was 12 when I married her father. She smoked some cigarettes but the thing she did that bugged me most was light a pipe for her father.
When pregnant with my daughter, now 21, the smell of them smoking a pipe irritated me. I asked my husband to please take take the pipe outside.
In a reasonable time, he did give up the pipe but did not throw it away. This daughter grew up not smoking regularly. The other one was an anti until after I started.
In 4 years she has grown from meekly asking for one to challenging 2 packs a day of Newport. The oldest has a daughter of 12. While we were visiting Friday, the little girl disappeared for a cigarette.
Her mother lit the pipe and passed it around. I had a puff on the family heirloom and mentioned my previous smoking. When the granddaughter returned, she could smell that we had smoked a pipe but dared not say anything.
When the kids went to bed, I got a Newport from the other girl. Next morning, we went to breakfast. Our college daughter, with bf, arrived at the breakfast place. The boys made it by lunch.
My daughter gave me another Winston after we ate. I bought a pack of Marlboro Lights on the way back. That pretty well did me in.
The boys had girls with them that I had know since high school. The 20-year-old sons gf smokes Parliament. It's not a bad brand but not one I wanted. The freshman son goes with a girl who does not smoke.
The rest of the weekend, I thought about a Parliament, a Newport, a Winston, a little hit on the pipe or even a tasty pack of Marlboros, but stuck with Marlboro Lights.
Today, I told the girls at work I was smoking again and doing it without their help.

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