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Date Posted: 22:34:39 09/06/06 Wed
Author: Mark A.
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Subject: Mother Megan's Monstrous Monologue

Oldie, you left me speachless with this one. That's OK I couldn't get a word in edge wise anyway.

Subject: Re: Please tell us about your smoking Tuesday

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Date Posted: 09:43:26 09/05/06 Tue
In reply to: Susan 's message, "Please tell us about your smoking Tuesday" on 08:01:46 09/05/06 Tue

What happened yesterday came completely unexpected. My sister called about 10 and invited us up to her house to enjoy some barbecue her husband was fixing. I thought something would be cooking so I asked who else would be there.
Sis said my good friend Nell would bring her son Ned who was interested in my younger daughter Lisa last summer and she was also bringing Rusty, a well-formed boy who I think looks like Huckleberry Finn. His older brother is named Tom.
The girls agreed to go but Lisa was much more in favor than Jessica. Jessica asked me to buy her a pack of Marlboro for the trip reasoning that there are only 2 things Rusty wants from her and smoking was the only one he would get.
She smoked 3 on the way. To take away some of the suspense for everyone, I did not smoke at any time on the trip. Lisa only smoked one. Darrell was a little hurt that he had to leave Janet for most of the day.
So, we get there. Instead of the heavy smoking non-inhaling sister I had last seen, there was this inhaling and even heavier smoking sister. Nell was smoking her Parliaments, saying she failed at quitting.
Sis, who has advanced to the full flavor B&H, and Nell continually offered me a cigarette.
Rusty stood up and showed how glad he was to see Jessica. I was not happy to see that. Out the door they went, Jessica clutching a pack. Then my sister's daughter Colleen, Lisa's age, took Nelda's son Ned by the hand and they headed outside. Colleen had a pack of Marlboro Lights.
I felt betrayed. Lisa felt worse since Ned gave her a good time on previous vacations.
Soon, Lisa went yet another direction with her pack. She was seated on the front porch of the house smoking. Then she said she was going over to the park which is in sight of my sister's house. I told her to leave me her cigarettes here.
She did. Darrell said a bunch of kids were playing basketball on an outside goal and also asked if he could go. I told him he had to take his little brother.
Lisa told me later she encountered a 2-on-2 boys game with a guy standing on the sidelines. She asked if the boys needed another player. The let her in. She then tells that she held her own with the boys who were also in the 7th grade.
She told them she was visiting her cousin. She said the boys did not like Colleen but the only negative was that she smoked. When we called the kids to eat, Lisa brings back one of the boys. His name is Kevin. What's an extra kid with all the invitees? She could have brought the whole group.
Lisa proudly introduced Kevin. Jessica was carrying her pack. Lisa got off with Kevin and they talked. Smoking came up. Lisa said Jess is on the varsity volleyball team and usually does not smoke. She said her mother totally gave up smoking because she's the "type who gets hooked again on just one cigarette."
Kevin said his mother was the same way except that she was back into the smoking cycle. Then he asked Lisa if she smoked. She said she had a few but does not need to be smoking since she is a 7th grader trying to play volleyball on the 8th grade volleyball team.
Kevin told Lisa she was good at basketball.
Counting the hour Lisa was playing basketball, I calculated she went without smoking for 4 hours. Finally, we got under way.
I expected Lisa to ask for cigarettes. I had her pack in my purse. Instead, Jessica offered her Marlboro Reds to Lisa. She opened the pack without hesitation. She recited an expletive and said Jessica only had 9 cigarettes left in the pack.
Darrell had to apply the math. Lisa told me to find someone to give the pack to because she was going to give up smoking. Jessica teased about this new guy getting to her. She said she always planned to quit.
Darrell asked me what I was going to do with the cigarettes. My husband nudged my hip. I said I would find a smoker today. Gloria, who I will see for lunch, came to mind.
My little boy in the third grade said it was good his mother and sisters were not going to smoke. He said it was bad enough that his teacher smoked. He asked me if Rebecca, assigned to teach him in the third grade after the regular teacher had to resign, smoked when he was in kindergarten.
I said I didn't think so but she smoked somewhere in the past and started back. My little one asked me to please not start smoking again. I said I could make it if the support stays as positive as it is.
I did let Lisa and Darrell visit with their friends Aimee and Janet's grandmother's (Rebecca) house. Jess tossed her wad of bubble gum and went to see Walt.
Withing a little more than an hour after we dropped them off, Lisa and Darrell made the short trip home. Lisa said she was constantly offered cigarettes but she did not take one. She said Amy (Rebecca's youngest girl) had a date and was smoking. Then she floored me when she said "just for Darrell, Janet smoked a cigarette."
I told my husband what Lisa said. He seemed concerned and said it's different for a man who had grown accustomed to his wife smoking and for a boy who is just experiencing noticing women smoking.
I asked how he was at the same age. He said his mother smoked and thought it was the thing for women to do. Then his sister took it up rather young about a year before he met me. His older brother had married a smoker. He said when he met me, he found a nice girl who smoked.
He said I fit in with his family more than any girl he met.
I reminded him that all the family members he mentioned had given up cigarettes or were trying to.
He said he was ready for trying but needed a little failure.
That's where we are. This morning the house was smoke free. The only other time my house and yard had been smoke free was when I was in the hospital having babies and I was not smoke free.
When I've tried to quit, Jessica and/or Lisa were smoking. Now, we have all quit but the idea is not unanimous in the family.
Susan, I did read Cathy's response to Brenda. I think we would all like to be that way. Brenda, don't smoke. You need to stay off worse than me. Even though I was like your friend or worse about smoking when I was pregnant, help her move in your direction without removing your support and friendship.
Cathy, if you counted all the cigarettes smoked in a normal week (if there is one) do you smoke more than both daughters? I suspect you have a day or so way ahead of them but fit in the middle averaged over a week.
Susan, hit the holder as needed. I sure hope the mother does not encourage them to smoke.
Myself, I'm proud that my daughters are attractive to boys but I know smoking could be a part of that.

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