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Date Posted: 16:30:11 08/27/08 Wed
Author: tableau
Subject: tableau;; a dramatic scene. [NEW good vs. evil horse rp]

(táb'lô') [n.] a dramatic scene

Brothers - loving or hating? In this version of life, hating. Two brothers born from the same dam and sire as twins, destined to hate each other for as long as they shall live. One brother, the loving and kind brother, was obviously favored by the parents, always being told that he would be something great. The other, pretty much being pushed aside, grew to be malicious and hateful, who knew he would grow to be something just as great as his brother, but would strive to be even stronger. The parents couldn't understand why there was such a seperation between the two. Eventually, the meaner brother headed off on his own to create the evil side of tableau, a side to get back at his brother.

The army slowly grew and grew with the passing years, and finally the stallion who created hate in such a peacful land made his move.

The unexpecting brother who was still peaceful at heart luckily had his family and loved ones at his side, but he had the same size army as his brother did. The battle erupted, and nobody survived.

A wandering herd came across the lands of tableu one day, and decided to call it home. A couple more herds arrived, all sharing differnt views and morales. The land is now split into 3; the lights, the darks, and the neutrals.

Which will you choose?

lets cause a scene


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