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Date Posted: 07:25:45 09/15/08 Mon
Author: dp admin
Subject: Dark Pretenses :: That hot girl? She's such a witch

Welcome to the University of Reading.

Home to famed research departments, lively students, and amazing career oppertunities.

Oh, and some vampires, witches, and shapeshifters.

As humans we have always been concerned with 'the other', what else is 'out there'. Well, aliens don't exist, but some of the creatures of myths and legends do. The majority of humans live completely unaware of the supernatural creatures living amongst them. The only difference between humans and these creatures? A slight difference in genetics which means that vampires need to drink blood to survive, witches can perform magic and shapeshifters can shapeshift into different animals.

Of course not everyone sees these creatures as 'just different genetics'. The few humans that do know that they exist consider them to be evil and dangerous, and have banded together to form groups of hunters, killing any they find. It isn't much of a suprise then to find that vampires, witches and shapeshifters keep themselves to themselves, pretending to be human.

For decades the students and employees of the University of Reading have been doing just that. Many families have convinced their children to go to their old University because Reading has been 'safe' for so long. Unfortunatly all good things come to an end, and it seems that a group of hunters has arrived in Reading over the summer.

The question is...who will you be?


Dark Pretenses is an RPG that requires a detailed standard of roleplay. Open species are humans, shapeshifters (lion and wolf), witches and vampires (born and made). Each species is original to the RPG, so if you're looking for something a little different then Dark Pretenses is for you. There's a space for everyone so please take a browse of our website :)

I am also currently looking for other RPGs to affiliate with. If you are interested please see here for details.

Heather, the Moderator.

{rules} {characters} {needed characters} {adoptions} {rpg group}

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