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Date Posted: Wed, Jan 18 2006, 6:22:43
Author: Lithium
Subject: Re: Mythology
In reply to: Valhalla 's message, "Re: Mythology" on Fri, Jan 06 2006, 11:52:59

Similar points was made last night at the viewing of Resurrection Ship Pt. 2.

But I would push the point further -- and much of this is from Boomer's reply to Cmnder. Adamma -- and argue that the Cylons are not just trying to replace their progenitors so much as perfect all of god's children: including humans, cylons, and their hybrid offspring.

That is, the cylons see themselves as (individually and collectively -- although for cylons, its not clear how this distinction would work if at all, more on this below) superior to humans and humanity, to wit, 'cylons don't murder each other,' 'cylons don't wage war on each other', etc. I suspect that they'd argue that they haven't, even now, been waging wars against humanity so much as establishing their own freedom and independence and trying to perfect all god's children. The latter does, unfortunately, require, in an old testament/agrarian/animal husbandry kinda way, a great culling of the older, and more corrupt human generation.

But although they are morally superior, the cylons are incomplete creations. And for both these reasons -- that they are moral superiors trying to sheppard their wayward elder siblings and because they are, so fa,r infertile -- they are stalking the rag tag fleet. God requires them (and us) to be fruitful and multiply. They cannot, yet, without us. And, shades of a Handmaid's Tail here and ala the Cylon-Occupied Caprica Doctor, humanity is once more sinning in allowing its few remaining strong females (Starbuck, Kat, Dualla, etc.) to continue to be warriors alone and not doing their procreative duty.

Ultimately, like they see a unity to the godhead, I suspect the cylons are not interested in a war of annihilation so much as a war of assimilation. Eventually, so it would seem, they intend to breed out both true cylons and true humans in favor of cylons that can breed true. But, as we can already see with the human model cylons, they're practically human anyway. So, really, the cylons are trying to replace us (and themselves) with the new cylons/new humans.

more to come...


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