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Date Posted: 06:46:25 01/16/06 Mon
Author: Wendy Potts aka the horse trainer
Subject: Re: Queefer
In reply to: Ralf Woebken 's message, "Queefer" on 16:26:03 01/14/06 Sat

I met Kimmi when she brought her horse Camfire to me to train. She called him "Cammie" for short. Well, after a few rides on the horse I told Kim that "Cammie" just did not fit him. The horse could be a big jerk and liked to try to buck me off. I suggested the name Richard to her and told her we could call him "Dick" when necessary. It stuck and of course Kimmi changed it to "My Big Dick." She often asked people, "Wanna ride my big Dick?" Needless to say, she shocked more than a few.

The Queefer story is an amusing one. You see, Kimmi decided to get me a personalized license plate that said "Geldum" because I told everybody that brought a stallion to me to train that it needed to be gelded, no matter how much they believed it should not. This lead to many people passing me in the car honking, giving me either a big thumbs up, or the big middle finger. For this, I had to out do her.

We were talking about the Mark & Brian radio show one day and she told me that they actually had people "queefing" on the radio. She thought this was hysterical. I thought it was the perfect opportunity to give back what she'd given to me. I ordered the license plate and was so happy that the seven letters fit in so perfectly. I thought I was going to pull it off without a hitch, when I got a call from the DMV. They wanted to know what queefer meant. I hesitated a moment and then told them it was a nickname that I had made up. They accepted my answer and she received the license plate in the mail a few weeks later and she was more than happy to display it proudly on her good old celica.

And that is the story on how Big Dick and Queefer came to be. I love you and miss you Kimmi---

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