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Date Posted: 10:34:36 03/03/10 Wed
Author: Officer Torch
Subject: Quiz Time

Rules..basically none, just keep it clean, clever/funny if possible, and yes, I know some things were politically incorrect...but what was....was. Open book quiz. There are no grades. If you post, great-it's encouraged. If you're incorrect, so what. Let's maybe have some fun.


1. What story greatly influenced Alex Raymond.(It was first written in early 30s, and a couple decades later, a film was made).____________________________

2) In FG '36, as Vultan's sky city seems doomed, Zarkov invents a new ray and gathers the people in a lab. We see a circular apparatus on the wall with numbers 0-9, some symbols and a pointer. The instrument is likely which of following:
a. Radium meter gauge b. Tilt gauge c. Decimal type clock
d. None of these (what then).

3)After FG throws shovel into radium furnace, an alarm sounds. It's sound is like: a) a bell, b) an FG rocketship c) a stratosled d) a voice alert

4) The cackling high priest (aka Ted Lorch) presides over the wedding ceremony of Ming and Dale. T or F

5)In '38 FGTTM, we see near the beginning our FG friends land the rocket in an apple orchard in NY state. T or F

6) What was said happened to the so-called "dwarf" people mentioned when FG and friends were being questioned by Toran in the Forest kingdom.

7) Queen Azura in Mars serial seemed to have a bit of a crush on Flash Gordon. T or F (In comics, Azura, Witch Queen of Mongo really had romantic interest in FG.)

8) The Clay people first and often emerge to Franz Waxman's music. T or F

9)In FG serial trilogy, we see more gadgetry in Mars than other two serials overall. Scale of 1 to 5, 5 being highest.

10)In 1940 FGCTU, aside from the Foreward, do all the chapters open in the same way?

11) Barin and wife Aura had Dr. Zarkov perform cosmetic surgery on them using rays. T or F

12) The King of the Rock men character was, in fact, a native American Indian in real life. T or F

13) My nephew Capt. Torch was romantically involved with Sonja in the serial. T or F

14)What did the Emperor Ming do to the scientist Karm?

15)In 1939 Buck Rogers, Wheeler Oakman, aka Tarnak in FGTTM, was there as who?_______________

16)The Zuggs, speak Zuggian, English, and Babylonian. T or F

17) Futuristic sets in BR were often used from movie: a)Metropolis b)Capt.Video c)Just Imagine d)other (name)

18) Characters Brigadier Gordon appeared with character Buck Rogers in 1979 our time. T or F

19) Which does NOT belong in this group for serial music purposes: a)Franz Waxman, b)Johann Strauss c)Franz Liszt d)Heinz Roemheld

20) Select one: King Vultan's men: a)Never sleep, b)Sleep on a perch, like birds, c) have ways to remove their wings and sleep normally, d)Sleep in a hollowed out custom made bed by Sleepzees, in an upright manner to save space, e)other (describe)

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[> Re: Quiz Time -- Tim, 07:06:24 03/07/10 Sun [1]

A pretty tough quiz, Officer Torch. I guess I am a bit rusty, and need to watch the FG serials again soon!

2. I took a look at this scene, and couldn't hear any alarm. Which is probably why I could never work for King Vultan, heh.

4. True, and in charge of the Gong as well.

8. True, the music is from Franz Waxman's classic Bride of Frankenstein score.

12. True. Ray Mala was also in the Universal picture Zanzibar (1940).

15. Lieutenant Patten

19. (b) Strauss

20. (d) Vultan could have been a spokesman for Sleepzees. Heh!

Sergeant Tim

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[> Re: Quiz Time -- Tim, 07:10:11 03/07/10 Sun [1]

Question Number Correction

3. I took a look at this scene, and couldn't hear any alarm. Which is probably why I could never work for King Vultan, heh.

Sergeant Tim

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[> Re: Quiz Time -- Officer Torch, 09:31:13 03/07/10 Sun [1]

We'll hold answers until upcoming mid week or so. I will break with tradition and toss out some hints. For one thing, make use of your Menu pushbutton on dvd remote..sometimes it acts quirky with the Image dvds, on mine anyway. Try to locate chapters from menu pix, go one before and after also, and hunt around this site, forum stuff, old quizzes, definitely Wikipedia, IMDb, maybe some other links, and some guesses as well. Yeah, there are a few curves, oddball questions, toughies, goofy ones too in here. (Note: I will say "maybe" if you might be correct, but I may trick you too.) OK, some hints:

1)Check Wikipedia... key in AR and FG
2)Think Metropolis, French Revolution, Ancient Chinese
3)On scene JUST AFTER FG throws shovel, camera goes to Vultan's room. Turn up TV volume to hear alarm. It's short and not very loud.
4)Are you sure of that Tim?
5)Just see Chap 1 of Mars, with different looking rocket interior, brunet Dale, as they are around surface of earth. You'll may recognize approx where they are, and direction they're heading... when they land, it's said what they landed into, and just give a guess if it's NY state or not.
6)Happy Hapgood was involved in this, kinda like when FG and friends went before Toran's tribunal.
7)Give your best guess here.
9)Subjective...best guess ok. I think one has more re quantity, and other perhaps has more potential devastation.
10)First few Chapters differ in a certain way
11)Think 1936 couple vs. 1940 serial couple
12)Tim...you gave me the name of the Prince. Who is the King? FYI, this actor was a real native American Chief of a tribe in Washington state.
13)Best guess ok
14)Karm is in front of Ming on his throne. Ming knows of Karm's traitor behavior, and personally does what to Karm using what. A bit challenging.
16)All kind of goofy stuff here, but technically, only 1 of the 3 may be true.
17)Look at links this site:esp Spitfires of the Spaceways and click lower right, A Tale of Two Movies.
18)It's in a quiz, or forum talk here somewhere, other links also.
20)I've been asking this on forums for like 7 years! (It's a fishing expedition.) Nah..I think they go to sack like the coneheads did, in some upright chamber box of sorts. Sleep-Zs made a mint on custom made units for Beldar and his family.

NOTE to Tim: Owing to your courage in attempting to answer these questions, I salute you and say you may get a promotion. Let's see what you can do with these valuable hints I've provided...perhaps higher yet rank may be considered. Emperor Ming is monitoring this with interest.

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[> Re: Quiz Time -- Tim, 21:25:00 03/07/10 Sun [1]

1. When Worlds Collide, a novel by Philip Wylie and Edwin Balmer, which was made into a film of the same name in 1951. I can't believe I missed this one in the first round, as I myself noted the similarity between this story and the first chapter of FG '36 in the Planet of Peril thread posted here, 11/09/08.

7. I will guess True on this one.

12. You are right, I gave the name of the Prince rather than the King of the Rock Men. But the answer remains True, as the King was played by Chief Yowlachie, albeit without credit.

I will stick with my earlier answers on questions 8, 15 and 19, but may have to amend my answer to question 4.

I may give it one more try before the answers are posted, using more of the excellent hints given by Quizmaster Torch. And of course Commander Rick, Dan or Joystar might help me out with some of the answers in the meantime.

Until next time, keep the honey jar lid tight while Orso is around! Heh.

Sergeant Tim

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[> [> Re: Quiz Time -- Rick, 23:42:50 03/07/10 Sun [1]

1.) When Worlds Collide

2.) A; radium meter gauge

3.) B; FG rocketship sound effect

4.) False, it was Lon Poff as the Priest. Lorch was in CH 8-13. Heh Heh Heh Heh.

5.) False, melon patch it was.

6.) They feared if Happy snapped the picture, the Forest King would get trapped inside the camera and end up like the Dwarf People!

7.) True, but Azura was toned down in the serial film version; i.e; self-censorship.

8.) True. Waxman's "Dance Macabre" theme.

9.) Mars has the most lab equipment seen. Scale of 1, being the highest number of value.

10.) No, the chapter intros in FG 36' are the narrative and in Mars, they are the comic intro. 'Buck Rogers' first used the scrolling forward in 1939 and used again in 'Universe.' They would be used and seen in chapter two to the final chapter in the serials.

11.) False. No plastic surgery, just re-casting for Barin and Aura. Don't know about the one in Tennessee.

12.) Yes, the actor who played the Rock King was a native Indian and was in quite a few films in those days.

13.) No romantic interlude between Torch and Sonja, as she wed Ming and he later had her executed!

14.) Ming stabbed Karm to death on his throne when he tried to strangle him.

15.) Oakman played Lt. Patten in the 1939 serial.

16.) False. They only speak Zuggian.

17.) Other (Torch can do it; I'm a little rusty ). They were Universal sets, as far as I know for Buck Rogers.

18.) True. Crabbe appeared as Brigadier Gordon in the 'Buck Rogers' episode, "Planet of the Slave Girls."

19.) B. Johann Strauss. None of his themes were used in any of the space serials' music scores.

20.) This one Torch can answer for me.


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