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Date Posted: 07:10:11 03/07/10 Sun
Author: Tim
Subject: Re: Quiz Time
In reply to: Officer Torch 's message, "Quiz Time" on 10:34:36 03/03/10 Wed

Question Number Correction

3. I took a look at this scene, and couldn't hear any alarm. Which is probably why I could never work for King Vultan, heh.

Sergeant Tim

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[> Re: Quiz Time -- Officer Torch, 09:31:13 03/07/10 Sun [1]

We'll hold answers until upcoming mid week or so. I will break with tradition and toss out some hints. For one thing, make use of your Menu pushbutton on dvd remote..sometimes it acts quirky with the Image dvds, on mine anyway. Try to locate chapters from menu pix, go one before and after also, and hunt around this site, forum stuff, old quizzes, definitely Wikipedia, IMDb, maybe some other links, and some guesses as well. Yeah, there are a few curves, oddball questions, toughies, goofy ones too in here. (Note: I will say "maybe" if you might be correct, but I may trick you too.) OK, some hints:

1)Check Wikipedia... key in AR and FG
2)Think Metropolis, French Revolution, Ancient Chinese
3)On scene JUST AFTER FG throws shovel, camera goes to Vultan's room. Turn up TV volume to hear alarm. It's short and not very loud.
4)Are you sure of that Tim?
5)Just see Chap 1 of Mars, with different looking rocket interior, brunet Dale, as they are around surface of earth. You'll may recognize approx where they are, and direction they're heading... when they land, it's said what they landed into, and just give a guess if it's NY state or not.
6)Happy Hapgood was involved in this, kinda like when FG and friends went before Toran's tribunal.
7)Give your best guess here.
9)Subjective...best guess ok. I think one has more re quantity, and other perhaps has more potential devastation.
10)First few Chapters differ in a certain way
11)Think 1936 couple vs. 1940 serial couple
12)Tim...you gave me the name of the Prince. Who is the King? FYI, this actor was a real native American Chief of a tribe in Washington state.
13)Best guess ok
14)Karm is in front of Ming on his throne. Ming knows of Karm's traitor behavior, and personally does what to Karm using what. A bit challenging.
16)All kind of goofy stuff here, but technically, only 1 of the 3 may be true.
17)Look at links this site:esp Spitfires of the Spaceways and click lower right, A Tale of Two Movies.
18)It's in a quiz, or forum talk here somewhere, other links also.
20)I've been asking this on forums for like 7 years! (It's a fishing expedition.) Nah..I think they go to sack like the coneheads did, in some upright chamber box of sorts. Sleep-Zs made a mint on custom made units for Beldar and his family.

NOTE to Tim: Owing to your courage in attempting to answer these questions, I salute you and say you may get a promotion. Let's see what you can do with these valuable hints I've provided...perhaps higher yet rank may be considered. Emperor Ming is monitoring this with interest.

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