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Date Posted: 00:05:08 11/06/06 Mon
Author: Reese/Remy
Subject: Inside
In reply to: Skeeter 's message, "inside" on 23:55:29 11/05/06 Sun

(She looked over at Skeeter as his phone started to chime.. her heart rate picking up the slightest bit. Sometimes he got information on Braden.. though he never told her anything. She watched Bambi, as usual impressed with the older female, she was smarter than any other dog she had ever met by far. Her eyes moved to Shay as Skeeter looked between the two of them and she pursed her lips.. this was the same routine she got at his apartment.. only there were no video games in Shay's bedroom she figured. She made a soft grunt as she got to her feet, brushing her hands off on her jeans and looking between the commander and his wife, not sure which part of the apartment they were supposed to be going to.) (He too pursed his lips as he looked towards Skeeter's phone, though he wasn't sure what the page was for until his intelligence officer addressed him as Commander.. then he went into work mode as well. He nodded, tipping his head to look at Shay. Ordinarily he was pretty open about things with her.. but now that she had been injured because of his work.. well, he didnt want her knowing anything more than necessary to keep her safe. He kissed her neck.) Would you keep Reese company in the other room? (He asked her, not wanting to say outright - hey could ya leave? - because he respected her enough to keep it easy. His hand trailed down her arm as he shifted a bit, ready to help her up. He knew it was awkward, and he hated doing it.. but like Skeeter, he knew the danger knowledge placed people in.)

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