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Date Posted: 11:20:10 07/03/07 Tue
Author: Kyrian
Subject: Inside
In reply to: Haylie 's message, "inside" on 10:53:18 07/03/07 Tue

(He looked up his girlfriend, noting the disappointment in her tone and her expression, and smiled slowly as he rubbed his hand over her belly.) Just cause we can't move right off doesn't mean we can't buy a house and prepare for it. (He looked thoughtful for a moment and looked over his shoulder at Remy. Shaking his head - they were still locking lips while the chicken burned - he smirked conspiratorily at Haylie.) We could always make it a mission and have the men help out from HQ. You can sit on the front lawn and issue demands. (He liked the picture of that in his mind.. his beautiful Haylie sitting in the chaise from her living room, a glass of lemonade in her hand, telling the agents what to do. In fact, it made him chuckle just a little bit. This house idea was making him downright giddy.. hell, getting her out of this apartment was making him giddy. His brow cocked up.. a pool would be nice.. and so would a pool table in the game room she spoke of.) Okay, okay, stop sugar coating it.. we will go look at it and maybe even make an offer. (He shifted and got to his feet, narrowing his gaze as the itching under his arms started to burn again. He put his arm around Haylie's back and helped her up to her feet, leaning in to kiss her temple. He lowered his voice and smirked as he told her why he stunk.) Braden put hemorrhoid cream into my deodorant. I am going to go scrub it off.. (He pulled back to look down at her, a self-deprecating smirk on his handsome face.) Whatever you pick for dinner will be fine for me. (He sighed, taking in the deep seated scent of woman.. she had a baby powder and shampoo smell about her that he found himself daydreaming about while at work. He tucked her hair back, then pulled himself away from her, picking up his duffle back and heading towards his room.) Hey - Rem.. she has a shelf life, you know.. you're going to suck her face right off. (He said conversationally as he passed the kitchen. Once in his own room, he took time to scrub the reddened skin under his arms, then put on some anti-itch cream, shaking his head and muttering the whole time. He did have to admit it was a pretty funny prank.. just not when it was done to him. Re-emerging ten minutes later, he walked over to sit before the laptop again, wanting to take a moment to look over the house she had picked out on his own. It was easier to take a detached look without your girlfriend looking hopefully down at you.)

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